Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh well...I've been busy!

Hello...does anybody actually read this?..or am I indulging in my own therapy...getting it off my chest?
It's been months since I started this and I have avoided you little blog...okay, okay...I've been busy!

I was talking about a life of purpose...I think most people want one. Yes I know some people say 'I don't care' but in some ways I suspect those that say that are the ones who are most disillusioned with their place. Some say 'whatever' and the same probably applies to them. I may be wrong and I don't make any claims to be an expert but it is my general belief that most people want a life that has 'purpose'.
I do.
I want a purpose.
I already told you I am a Christian. Simply this means that I believe in Jesus Christ. You may consider this foolishness but I am not really that concerned about is my choice and my choice is to believe.
Many would, at this point, say something like..."Oh, so you're religious". I want to make this point to you most strenuously I am NOT religious. Many people who know me in fact would consider me somewhat irreligious.
This is a hard thing to explain to you but maybe I will say this. It is my opinion that the religion we see displayed often in this world bears no resemblance to what Jesus intended. If you examine His life you will see a man who cared about people, He helped them, He healed them, He welcomed them, He didn't care what 'brand' they were, His sole and total focus was to show them acceptance and love...yep love. Love is an interesting misconstrued and so misused...the love Jesus showed was so different...what was different about it? It was full to the brim with grace. What is this thing called grace? Grace I think can only be defined as unconditional and unmerited favour. Often the people Jesus came up against weren't particularly attractive from the point of view of those around but He accepted them anyway. Don't get me wrong He didn't like things that people did sometimes mainly because He had the capacity to see the damage they were doing to themselves and others but He was able to separate that from the person and accept the person. I think He was able to see the potential in them and so He accepted them on their potential.
I said that I wanted to be 'real'. This is real.
I wasn't always like this or believe this but more and more it is my belief that I have to be a person of grace.
I think I'll leave that there.
The last few months have been incredible for me. I have been establishing something that I believe has 'purpose' written over it. Ten years ago something happened to me that astounded me and since that time I have been on an incredible journey that grows step by step into PURPOSE.
Can I encourage everyone out there that purpose can be found. I have found it and I am now on the cusp of something that can only be described as great. Now the greatness is not necessarily for me personally. I have gone past the need for the greatness to be given to me...the greatness I see in the journey I am on is for others and I gladly hand it over. I will be satisfied in seeing the greatness fall on others...more another day.
Intrigued? I hope so.