Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Path of Purpose - Part 6 - The Journey Continues

In Luke chapter 15 there is an amazing story of Jesus feeding 5000 people with five loaves and two small fish. The people were hungry and needed food and the only lunch available was a small boy's. Thankfully he was willing to share and when he put it in the hands of Jesus it became more than enough for 5000 people, in fact there were twelve baskets full left over! Now that is an amazing story in itself but there is one minor point that is worth noting. When Jesus took the five loaves of bread and the two little fish He gave thanks and broke them and then gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. What's the point I hear you ask. The point is this...he chooses to use us to share His ministry of good news, restoration, recover and freedom.
That was my experience too because door number three in my life was thrown open by God using another. In 2003 I started seeing a counsellor. My counsellor was a Christian woman and I found it to share my deepest thoughts and feelings with her and through her God brought restoration and freedom. We weren't at the prison gate yet but we were on our way!
On the 5th August 2003 I wrote the following in my journal...'This is a very confusing time for me, in fact it is kind of confusing and also kind of clear. For the last who knows how long I have been meeting with (name withheld) on a Tuesday morning. We have explored my history and the history of my parents and I can now see much of the reason (not sure if that is the right word), much of the influence that makes me the person I am today, good and bad. We have discussed the anxieties..., the hurts,...the regrets,...'
Ultimately I wrote letters to a few people that I needed to say things to but I never posted them. This was part of the door opening exercise, to bring them out of the recesses of my being into the light where the Light could shine upon them. The outcome was immense not so much in the sense of release, although there was plenty, but also in the laying of a foundation upon which more doors could be flung open in the journey to freedom.
The ministry of Jesus through others is not only confined to counselling. There are people who God has gifted to bring freedom through prayer. Thankfully I had people in my life at this time who were gifted in this way.
The year was now 2004.