Tuesday, October 13, 2015


This was Pilate's question of Jesus.
It is an interesting question and I don't plan necessarily to answer it here.
I just want to share something that has been on my mind.

Often when I ask God something He answers me with a question. You know how it is, we feel like we need to 'know' everything especially about things we don't really need to know!

Anyway, when I ask my questions His question is often the same, "Who do you think I AM? Am I God, or not?"
"Who do you think I AM? AM I GOD, or not?"
It's a good question. It often comes when I am asking, 'how, when, why, what' questions. Come to think of it He always answers those questions in the same way too. His answer to those is this, "Those are not your questions to ask. They are Mine to answer."
"Those are not your questions to ask. They are Mine to answer." 
Lately, He has been saying something else to me, quite a lot.
The background is this.
We often apply either what we choose to believe, or our feelings, to what God says. It's true. What we choose to believe often comes from our knowledge, which comes from our study, which is our academia, and our feelings often come from our opinion on a thing. Neither our academia or our opinion are necessarily truth, but that is another subject I don't want to discuss.

Now, one other thing I need to clear up here is this. What God says is truth. Hands up all who agree. Many hands go up, but, some maybe don't. It does not matter for it has no bearing on truth. Truth is still truth, no matter what we believe. And Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." [John 14: 6]
So, this is what God has been saying to me lately, "It doesn't matter what you believe or how you feel, truth is still truth; and I AM still truth, and My word is truth. You don't decide truth, truth is truth." [See John 17: 17]
"It doesn't matter what you believe or how you feel, truth is still truth; and I AM still truth, and My word is truth. You don't decide truth, TRUTH IS TRUTH."
I guess we sometimes think that whether we believe it or not makes it truth. For example, if we choose to believe, or not believe, in Jesus Christ as our Saviour it makes no difference it is still true He is the Saviour. Our response doesn't change truth.
And the same applies to everything else He says in His word.
It is truth. That's all.

I will finish with this.
My daughter is doing her final exams, the Higher School Certificate. It is a stressful time. I pray for my daughter constantly, and others do as well, thank you so much for your great blessing, you know who you are, God bless you. Lately I have just felt lead to just speak the following over her, and forget my idea of good prayers for her.
'The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.' [Numbers 6: 24 - 25]
Many will know this is the Aaronic priestly blessing. I have a greater right than Aaron to declare it because I am a priest of the Most High God, according to the order of Melchisedec. I could talk at great length about shalom, and His countenance, and His grace, and the shining of His face upon you, and His blessing and keeping but I won't. When I speak this out whoever I may speak it over can either receive it, or reject it, they can give assent to it but not for them, they can do whatever they like with it. They can believe it, or they may feel they can't believe it. But does that change it? No.

This morning I spoke it out as I came to talk with my Father about my daughter's exam this morning and He had me read the next verse, Numbers 6: 26. We often hear the blessing spoken but we don't read the next verse.
It says, God speaking...
"So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and then I will bless them."
Israel, the name, means 'triumphant with God.' Wow! I love that! So when I declare the blessing over my daughter God says I am invoking His Name on the sons of Israel, and she is a child of THE Father and so she is 'triumphant with God, and so she is blessed. Immense. Thank you Father.
She may not believe it, she may not 'feel it', I may not have a lot of confidence when I say it, the whole world may decry it as foolishness but IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. It is STILL TRUTH for God said it.

It doesn't matter what you believe or how you feel, truth is still truth; and I AM still truth, and My word is truth. You don't decide truth, truth is truth. And I AM truth, just rest in Me.

Aaah! Let me just lay my head down there and sleep.

Have a great day.