Thursday, August 3, 2017

An urgent need...

Please read won't take long, I promise.

I have no idea who reads this blog, or why you do, but I am thankful if you have taken the time to read it.
Over the years I have shared many things across social media and via this blog and I confess that it, in some ways, appears to have fallen on deaf ears. Sometimes I get a little frustrated with what appears to me to be something of an apathy, a disinterest, in the gospel. It hurts me because, for me, the gospel of God's love, expressed in the person of Jesus, is everything. He is everything, many times I have shared it, Jesus is everything; whatever question you may have Jesus is the answer. Although, generally, they remain completely veiled to it, the truth is that the world and all its problems has only one saving answer, JESUS!

Today, I have an urgent need to share with you.

When I was in Cambodia last December the Lord spoke to me.
He directed me to scripture. It was a scripture I knew.
' strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.' [2 Timothy 2: 1 - 2]
I could tell a long story around this but the bottom line is you may not read it.
The point is this, many, many thousands of precious people have been saved through God's blessing over the ministry He has called me to and now He has said, 'It is time to be teaching the faithful men.' You see we partner with local churches to preach the gospel of Grace (for that is what we preach), many come, many receive and then they return to the local church where they are taught a mixture of Grace and law. It is true.

What is the answer to this situation?

I have a precious brother. His name is Samnang. He has faithfully waited to walk in his particular call as a part of WTL. His heart and passion is to teach Grace. His heart and passion is to teach the liberty of the favour of Jesus. His heart and passion is to entrust great truths of Grace and Liberty with faithful men, who will then go into Cambodia under the leadership of Jesus and 'teach others also.'

WTL wants to hold Grace Classes, a year long program of monthly teaching where those who choose to enrol will come to a central place to spend a week, per month, for a year to be entrusted the truth of Grace and will then go and teach others also.

The curriculum is ready, it comes from the Word of God.

We just need the funds to provide a venue, to provide accommodation and food for the participants, and to provide all that is needed to deliver this most remarkable resource, I speak, of course, not of knowledge but True Knowledge, the person of Jesus, the great gift of God, the One in whom we are complete.
We have costed it and we need $2000 USD per person.
We might start with five, that is, then $10000 USD, but maybe the Lord might lead you to make it more.
You can support this by going to our website,, and clicking on the hot button on the 'Donate' page.

You know the Bible is clear. It asks, 'How will they believe unless someone preaches?'
We will preach but we need to partner with you.

Will you help?

Graeme Shephard.