Monday, August 12, 2013

Burden lifted...

I love my Bible and there is nothing I love nothing better than to sit with it in the morning and gather something from it for each day.

This morning I want to share something with you and I have entitled this post 'Burden lifted...' because what I want to impart to you is the most burden-lifting truth you will ever hear.
You know that Jesus said in Matthew 11: 30 that His 'yoke is easy' and His 'burden is light' so I think that Jesus was in the business of burden-lifting and He continues to be our burden lifter, after all He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Also what I am about to share is 'burden-lifting' for Christians and for soon-to-be-Christians alike.

Now it is a sad truth that many people who desire to be reconciled with God look for the 'way' in many different places. Usually this involves us seeking what we must 'do' to achieve that reconciliation.
And then combined with this there is an enemy of God who will do anything to divert us from finding the burden-free way which is Jesus Christ and he does this by constantly bringing the Law of God before us to (a) convince us that keeping the law is the way to God, and (b) continually point out to us how we fail, which inevitably do, or by (c) even providing some counterfeit to the truth of the gospel to draw us away completely.
Then for Christians one of the great challenges that burdens us is finding how we do what is required of us to remain 'right' with God and again the same enemy gladly comes and continues to try and convince us that being 'right' with God means keeping the Law, and then when we fail he gleefully points this out to us knowing that we will quickly be discouraged and give up.
Those are the sad but true facts.
You know even our preachers lead us down a path of pursuing the 'doing' for God as the means for righteousness and growth.

So...This is your burden-lifting moment.
Are you wondering what is required of you to do the works of God? Are you wondering what you need to do to do what we are so often told God requires of us? Are you struggling with misguided direction to do this or do that to be 'right' with God?

Once upon a time Jesus, when He was here, took five barley loaves and two small fishes and He blessed it and He fed 5000 men plus numerous women and children and there were twelve baskets of leftovers, all from five loaves and two small fish!
The people were mightily impressed and followed Him wanting more.
He said to them that they were following because they had been fed and had been filled. Then He said to them, "Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set His seal."

The first thing I want you to see is that the sealed centrepiece of God is our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He is the key to EVERYTHING.
It clearly says elsewhere that He is the fullness of God and we are complete in Him (Colossians 1: 19, 2: 9,10).

Then the people ask a question..."What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?"
Woo...isn't that the very same question that we all ask and that a myriad of writers and preachers down through time have given breath and ink to answer, and sadly very often have totally missed the point.

So here is your moment of release because we have the answer from the very mouth of God Himself, The Word of God manifest in flesh. We don't need all the strategy, ideas, law, five-point plans, seven-point plans, three-point plans, etc. etc. because The Word took the time to answer our question and then record it in His Word to us and here it is...
'Jesus answered and said to them,
Out of that place we are right with God because He is our Righteousness; out of that place we receive our healing because by His stripes we are healed; out of that place we receive our breakthrough because He is our provider and provision; out of that place we receive our ministry and purpose because He is our guide and strength...we could go on and on but we must say this because out of this place you can receive salvation, the certainty of sin forgiven and the absolute surety of being right with God.
This is the greatest miracle, the greatest breakthrough, the greatest provision and it happens not by us trying to 'save' ourselves but by simply believing that Jesus Christ did all that was required to save us from eternal damnation and to give us eternal life.
Let me finally ask you this simple question...if the greatest miracle comes by just believing, why should lesser miracles of healing and financial breakthrough, or guidance in life and purpose be any different?
Fix your eyes on Him, He is the author and the finisher of faith.
He is everything.
Seek His exaltation and everything else just falls into place.

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