Thursday, June 12, 2014

I have a dream...

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach good news to the poor...
I have no idea who reads this but I have to share my dreams with you.
God wants me to share my dreams.
I could write a plan or a strategy, I could focus on organisation or communication or tax deductibility status but God continually says "No, that is not My way."
God just wants me to share my dreams.

I dream of standing in the stadium in Phnom Penh, Cambodia preaching to thousands upon thousands of Cambodians. I dream of watching as the Holy Spirit of God rises up on one side of the stadium and rolls torrentially down into the stadium and up the other side as thousands upon thousands receive THE KING.

I dream of standing with my brothers and sisters and raising the flagpole of the Lordship of Christ Jesus over the country of Cambodia and claiming the country for Christ.
I dream of standing as Jesus is proclaimed Lord of Cambodia.

I dream of walking in my call and sharing the gospel of the Grace of God to the world. I dream of walking with my team and with my brother Samnang into the glory of the future that God has declared for us.

I dream of raising up the generation of Benjamin's in Cambodia and throughout the world. Benjamins, totally sold-out to Christ, reliant on no-one but Jesus, declaring no-one but Jesus, exalting no-one but Jesus. Benjamins, son's of God's right hand, son's of favour, son's of blessing.

I dream of preaching, preaching, preaching. I would declare the love of Christ everyday if I could.
My call is not to be a bus driver, or a carpenter, or a brain surgeon or a success, my call is to share Jesus Christ.

I dream of street children. Street children who live on the street for whatever reason. I don't really care why they live there but I dream of them receiving Jesus. Along with Him they receive an education at the WTL School for Disadvantaged Children and they become people who care and have a dream of their own.

I dream of a school. A school in a prison. I dream of prisoners being prepared by the WTL Prison School ministry, prepared to leave prison and join society. I dream of them coming through the gates of their prison with their Bible, their qualification and their dignity ready to be people of love.
I dream of a rate of recidivism in Cambodia of 0%.

I dream of water. I dream of children sick with cholera. I dream of adults sick with dysentry and seeing holes being dug in their villages tapping into clean water for the first time. I dream of people drinking clean water and being taught clean practices by the WTL Hygiene for a Village team.

I dream of sitting with ordinary people in ordinary places in Cambodia and throughout the world and sharing in their food and their hospitality and blessing them with all that is Christ.

I dream of putting my hand on people and seeing sickness flee.

I dream of sweeping my hand over families and villages and watching lack and want bow down.

I dream of people who are givers, who understand that even though the money may leave their hands it will never leave their lives.

I dream of a book, written by me, inspired by God, sharing grace, the keys of grace.

I dream of resting at my home overlooking the green, red hills of Dorrigo before foraying out on another mission in the delivery of the great message of Grace, the sharing of the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is everything.

I dream of abundance, abundance that means my life requires of no man, my life rested completely in the finished work of Jesus, my life dedicated to His gospel and His call.

I dream of lives touched with the love of Christ.

I dream of Christ exalted in my life.

I dream of less of me and more of Him.

I dream of a day when I will stand in glory with all those who caught my dream surrounded by millions upon millions of faces rejoicing. I dream of a voice speaking and declaring, "Well done!" I dream of asking who all these people are and hearing my Lord answer, "They are your inheritance."

I dream of standing with Paul, and Peter and as I dream of this I hear that famous quote of Theoden from Lord of the Rings, "I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed..."

I dream all the dreams of God and I hear His voice which says, "I am able to do far more abundantly beyond all that you can ask or think, according to My power that works within us."

I dream...

Now I need to ask you.
Do you want to dream with me?
For a long time God has been prompting me to ask but I have resisted Him because I find it hard to ask.
We need partners.
Partners who share our dreams.
Partners who can see that day when we stand together in glory.
Partners who want to see those millions won.
Partners who will invest.
Partners who will be regular financial supporters of WTL.
Partners who will under-gird us with prayer and care.

Asking is always hard but it's not me asking.
God calls, we answer.

Will you answer and bring Christ to a nation?

If you feel His prompt please contact me, I would be delighted to receive your email.

God bless you.

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