Friday, August 8, 2014


Constant. defines constant as:
'Not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable; continuing without pause or let-up; unceasing; regular; recurring; continual; persistent; faithful; unswerving in love, devotion; steadfast; firm in mind or purpose; resolute.'
What is constant in your life?
What things never change, never vary, are unceasing and never let-up, are persistent and faithful?
Ummm...nothing fits that description, I hear you say.
And I agree.

I have been thinking along these lines. So many things have no constancy. Even the things that we think are constant turn out to not be so. No matter what I look at, my mood, my emotions, my faith, my bank balance, my plans, my strategy, my purpose and direction, all the things I view about myself, even my own character and personality I see no constancy. All I see is fluctuating change, variance, irregularity, nothing that can be relied upon.

I am thinking this and God spoke.
He said, "I am your constant; I am CONSTANT."

Now, when stuff like that happens I then start to chew over it.
The first thing that springs into my mind is this:
'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.' [Hebrews 13: 8]
This post could take a long time to do you describe the constancy of God?
If I could ask anything of God (and I can) I would ask that I could be a writer. I love to write but do it poorly.
But right now I wish that I could describe the constancy of God.
How is He described?
You know lately I have felt a certain level of something that I could only describe as anger, of sorts.
Anger, with a side-helping of frustration.
Then my wife, Alyson, asks me 'what's the matter' and asks me if I am 'vengeful'.
Do I want revenge, do I desire retribution for some wrong?
No, not really that.
I have so much in my mind and in my spirit. It's like I am looking at a jigsaw puzzle as it sits piled up on the table, all the bits higgly-piggly, on some you can see the colours of the finished picture, others just the dull backing, but I know that within that pile of disjointedness is a masterpiece.

It could be assumed that the jigsaw is mine to sort and make but I don't think it is.
This picture is too complex in its simplicity for me to build.
The finished picture is beyond me, my ability, my ideas, my revelation.
The finished picture is the magnificence of my God Himself and He has to reveal it to me.
I can't make it happen.
For along time now I have preached through written word that it's not about me, it's about Him, and it isn't revealed in my effort but rather in His Grace.
God reveals Himself, He reveals Himself in His 'declaration'...I speak of Jesus, and He is 'disclosed' by the Holy Spirit of God.
All I know here, right now, is that when the jigsaw is complete it will be stupendous! I believe it!

GOD. How is He described?
I hear a voice...
Recently I had the privilege to baptise a young man. It was an honour. After the act of baptism I prayed and I spoke the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Hillsong Church had their annual conference recently and the theme for the conference was, "NO OTHER NAME."
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
I didn't go to the conference but I absolutely agree there truly is NO OTHER NAME.
'...God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.' [Philippians 2: 9 - 11]
Constant. How to describe His constancy?
I hear a voice...
'But now faith, hope , love abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.' [1 Corinthians 13: 13]
Love. He is constant in His love. His love is constant. It isn't swayed. It doesn't deviate. It is constant.

Recently I have felt sort of confused. My mind is full. I receive and receive. I love to just sit in the Lord's presence and write. The Lord showed me the jigsaw puzzle. It's pieces are turned out on the table and  some parts of the picture are made but the true masterpiece is awaiting the Great Jigsaw Maker to reveal it. A bit like this...although the jigsaw in this picture is a little too complete...

Other pieces are awaiting order and with order the picture will be revealed.
I shared these thoughts with friends and someone asked me what I felt I needed to do to bring order and reveal the picture and I felt to quickly answer that I am not the picture maker.
The Lord is my jigsaw maker, my picture revealer, my revelation.
That jumble of thoughts, the jigsaw, are very evident to me as I try to write this. 
One thing I know, however, is that when the picture is revealed it will be beyond all is others in its beauty and stupendous in its value.
I was thinking earlier this morning and into my mind came this...
'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.' [Hebrews 13: 8]
He is constant.
He is constant in His love, He is constant in His plan, He is constant in His blessing, He is constant in what He says, He is constant in His promises, He is constant in His provision, He is constant in His character, He is constant in every aspect of life for He is constant in Life.
He is constant. He is Life, and Love, and Hope, and Peace, and...
Don't know what else to say...don't have the words.
He is constant.

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