Saturday, February 7, 2015

A note to the world...

Yesterday I stumbled on a YouTube video of a Jewish academic speaking at a university somewhere in the USA. Question time came and a young woman of obvious Middle Eastern origin stood to challenge the Jewish academic and his response was to ask her to condemn Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. She refused to do so and, in fact, she agreed that it was a good thing that the Jewish people were gathering in Israel because then it will be easy to track them down for annihilation. The irony was not lost on me that this young woman was living in America, and obviously enjoyed the freedom and benefits of the 'land of plenty'. But that's not what this is about.

This week we have heard of more beheadings by ISIS and a Jordanian pilot who has been burned alive, and I could talk much about the horror of this horrendous movement, organisation, whatever it is, and I could make the observation that these people aren't people at all and are, in fact, less than animals because even animals do not treat their own kind in such a fashion but that's not what this is about either. (Oh, by the way, no one has put their bat out for these slaughtered people...just an observation!)

Last night I had a dream. I don't often dream but in my dream a member of the New Zealand armed forces (not sure why he was from New Zealand, but there you go!) was shot down behind enemy lines somewhere in the Middle East. This pilot was a Jew but he was safe but could not return to his family. He was isolated, alone, but safe. I have no idea what this means but the enemy wanted him and used a word like 'wellard' about him but his response was to give an English turn on what was a foreign word by saying that by the time he gets home he will be 'well hard' because they were unable to get to him.

I have no idea what this all means but my dreaming then went to what the academics refer to as the Arab-Israeli conflict. My daughter has been studying it at school. There is no subject that results in more posturing and opinion-sharing than this conflict but while I have a very simple response to it I have nothing to add to it here because that is not what this is about either.

But as I dreamed God spoke into my dreaming over the whole thing.

What He said to me in my dreaming is the only thing to say. God has already spoken and it has been recorded in His word. No, I speak not of anything but God's word, the Bible. Despite what you may think and despite what other writings may have been written there is only one authority on this subject and that is Yahweh, God Almighty, the One true God, maker of heaven and earth, upholder and sustainer of all things. GOD.
He made a promise to a people that He would be their God and they would be His people. This isn't what this is about but I have been to Israel, and I have known some Jewish people, and I have to stand and say that these are a remarkable people. I know a lot of people don't like them, and many have tried throughout history to bring about their destruction, but these people are the Jews, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - Israel and God does not go back on His promises.

To the Jewish people this promise was made to you and to those that seek the destruction of the Jewish people there is nothing you can do about it. You can send as many bombs and terrorists and even young female university students living in the USA and you can posture all you like but you will never even make a dent in the unassailable spoken word of Yahweh. He has spoken and nothing you can do will change it.

As I dreamed the Lord showed me a second thing. Israel is surrounded. The armies of the world are gathered to bring annihilation to these people once and for all. God's word has been ignored and the armies are gathered under the leadership of Gog and Magog to bring final and complete annihilation to the people of Israel. Destruction looks inevitable. All the remarkable features of this race finally count for nothing and they are at an end with the whole world surrounding them. Then from the sky comes glory itself. No matter how I try I cannot describe that view. The people are surrounded, the enemy bay for blood. They are gathered in the valley of Armageddon.
Glory touches down on earth.
How can I describe the scene?
As Glory descends everything stops. It is impossible to describe the calm, like the calm before the storm. The calamity of the gathering armies stops; the grief of the surrounded people ceases. Everything stops, mouths drop open as realisation in every individual comes with the descending indescribable glory.

Then Glory touches down on earth...that's all. He does nothing but touch down on earth.

Faithful and True comes.
His eyes are like a flame of fire.
He rides a white horse.
Out of His mouth comes a sword.
He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, glowing brighter than the noon day sun,and is followed by the armies of heaven, clothed in white, riding white horses.
His name is called the Word of God.
Written on His thigh are the words, 'KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS.'
His glory is beyond the capacity of language to describe.
I cannot describe it.
He touches down on earth and Jerusalem becomes a sea port. The armies of the world have gathered to make war and their destruction is complete. The blood of the world's armies flows to the horse's bridles. Nothing stands in the way of this One. The sharp sword from His mouth strikes down the nations.

The people of Israel look and see their King.

But they know Him already. He hung on a cross outside their city. He comes to gather them again to Himself. He is the fulfillment of promise that so many had sought to destroy but they could not. In Him victory is complete. They see Him and know Him and He knows them.

His name?


To the Jewish people, despite your rejection of Him; He's the One.
To those that seek the annihilation of Israel, you can't do it and besides He is for you to.
That's Grace - for everyone.
Nothing else to say.

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