Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Storms and tents...

There was a day when I went to the front of a church and said to God that I was available.
I don't regret that walk, but it has not been easy. Storms abound.
I have been wondering if the storms get bigger and more intense the closer you get to the other side?
Personally, I am at present, greatly challenged by the storm.

For months now I have been contemplating the story of Jesus, the disciples, and the storm in Mark 4. It is also found in Matthew 8.
This morning I have been reminded again by this event and the question I feel that I have been asked is this?
As the storm raged...
What did Jesus do?...and what did the disciples do?...and which one am I?
What did Jesus do? He was sleeping on 'the cushion.' I have often said that there is no misplaced word in the Bible. Even allowing for 'difficulties' in translation, no word is misplaced, and my attention is drawn to the small fact that it wasn't 'a cushion' that Jesus slept on but it was 'the cushion.'
Some weeks ago I was contemplating this story and I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and ask me about this cushion. He said to me, "Do you remember when Jesus was in the boat and He was asleep on the cushion? How could He sleep when the storm was raging? On what did He sleep?" I did not comprehend the answer and so He said, "His cushion was the love of His Father. He rested in the truth of Jeremiah 31: 3. You, too, can rest your head there and sleep, even while the storm rages."
The cushion - not just a cushion but the resting place in the Father's bosom [John 1: 18] and this was what Jesus did as the storm raged.

What did the disciples do?
They, I guess, battled the storm for a time and when their efforts were not enough they then came to Jesus and asked Him if He cared. The bottom line, I assume, was that they wanted the storm to stop. Jesus rebuked the wind and He hushed the sea and they were amazed and afraid. I wonder of which they were more afraid, the storm or of the Storm Calmer? I think they were more afraid of the Storm Calmer because it says 'they became very much afraid.' [Mark 4: 41] It begs the question, which do we 'fear' more? The storm, or the Storm Calmer?

Now, what about me?
Here's a couple more questions to consider. If Jesus didn't calm the storm would they have made it to the other side? Was the boat going to go down with Jesus on board? And, do I want the storm calmed or can I rest my head where Jesus rested His? What do you think?

I could talk a lot around those questions but not today.

Now something about tents.
I am greatly challenged at present. The thought crosses my mind to give this Christian thing away. It's just too hard! Recently someone said to me that for some time the Lord has been driving me deeper in Him and now it is time to go wider. I have thought about this and my mind goes to tents. In Isaiah 54: 2 - 3 it says, 'Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your pegs. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your descendants will possess nations, and they will resettle the desolate cities.'
Which is easier? Going deeper in Him? Or going wider? It reminds me of the cross, an up and down bit - vertical - going deeper in Him, and a side to side bit - horizontal - going wider.
Enlarge the place; stretch out the curtains, spare not, lengthen your cords, strengthen your pegs...what does it all mean?

I'm sure He has more to say on this but I'll leave it there. If you take the time to read this I hope it might help you.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

What about Benjamin?...

Benjamin was the second son of Jacob and Rachel. His older brother was Joseph. Benjamin's mother died in childbirth and 'as her soul was departing' [Genesis 35: 18] she named him Ben-oni, which means 'the son of my sorrow' but Jacob named him Benjamin, which means 'the son of the right hand.' Rachel's name means 'lamb.' Benjamin was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, with only he and Joseph being born to Rachel. The remaining ten were either born to Leah, Rachel's older sister, or to Bilhah or Zilpah, the hand-maiden's of Rachel and Leah. Leah's name means 'weary.' The story of Benjamin as a person is very interesting, as is the story of Benjamin, the tribe.

Many avoid the Old Testament believing a different God is seen there to the one seen in the New Testament. This is not true, our God is 'the same yesterday and today and forever.' [Hebrews 13: 8]
When you read the Old Testament you must read it searching for one thing, JESUS. The Old Testament is Jesus concealed, the New Testament is Jesus revealed. You must ask the revealing Holy Spirit to show you Jesus, and to show you the truth about Jesus, found in the Old Testament. He is everywhere because He is, always has been, and always will be the complete centre of the expression of God. He came to 'explain God.' [John 1: 18]

So what about Benjamin?

Firstly, we all have the same Father, you know who He is!
But we don't all have the same mother.
Some have Leah as their mother. Leah is a type of the Law. Leah worked hard to impress Jacob, but was never able to achieve it. Her name means 'weary' and it is a wearying path to try to impress our Father by keeping the Law, but many try to do it. Sadly, many are 'saved by grace' and then try to live by Law - what a sad alloy! Lukewarmness! An impossible and frustrating path that makes God sick! [Revelation 3: 16]

Rachel is a type of Grace. Her name means 'lamb.' She represents the truth that Jesus, our Lamb of God, is everything. He is fullness, and in Him alone are we complete. [Colossians 2: 9 - 10] She died giving life to Benjamin; Grace died giving life to you! She named Benjamin 'the son of her sorrow' but his father named him Benjamin, 'the son of the right hand.' Our 'man of sorrows' died, He was 'acquainted with grief', he was 'despised and forsaken' but in Him, our Father, names us 'the sons of THE right hand.'

Maybe we should briefly define 'Grace.' Grace is the unmerited, undeserved favour of God. Jesus announced it in Luke 4: 18 - 19. He said that 'today this Scripture has been fulfilled...' [Luke 4: 21] He was meaning that He is Grace. Grace here is not a theory, or a doctrine, not a theology, not even a fruit of the Spirit but a person - His name is JESUS. He is fulfillment of the anointing, preaching, releasing, sight recovering, liberty giving, favourable year of the Lord.

We have a choice about our mother. Unlike your natural birth where you had no choice, in your spiritual birth you have a choice, you get to choose who your mother is. Choose Grace!

I said earlier that many have an apprehension about the Old Testament, believing that a God of wrath lives there, not a God of grace. Let me show His grace, even in the Old Testament.  Leah, a type of law, had sons hoping to please Jacob. But Jacob loved Rachel, he was tricked into having Leah! Leah was never going to make Jacob happy. But even Leah found grace! I love these wonderful gems hidden away waiting to be found out! Leah gave birth to Reuben, to Simeon, to Levi hoping that Jacob would love her and become attached to her, see Genesis 29: 32 - 34. But it didn't work. How sad. Following Law will never curry favour with God either, favour is found in Jesus alone, He is our favour. But then Leah had Judah. She said, "This time I will praise the Lord," as she bore Judah. A change! She received and praised rather than worked for acceptance. And do you know what? Jesus is of the tribe of Judah! Isn't that amazing? God blessed Leah in giving His Favour from the tribe of Judah. I am encouraged! We might be enveloped in Law, but even the most bound can be set free in Grace. I think this is amazing - a picture of the boundless grace of God, Jesus expressed.

Back to Benjamin.

Benjamin had an older brother. His name was Joseph. Joseph is a complete subject in himself but he is a type of Jesus. He went down into Egypt and was the means of our salvation. I can't get started on Joseph or this blog will be very long! We have any older brother. His name is Jesus. If we believe in Him then God is our Father. If we choose Grace as mother then we truly have Jesus as brother. We are heirs with Him, we are sons as He is the Son. Another complete subject in itself.

So what of Benjamin?
With Joseph gone, Jacob loved Benjamin like no other. And Joseph loved him too. If you read the story of the brothers coming to Egypt to buy food and their interaction with the all-powerful 2IC to Pharoah, who they didn't know was their brother Joseph, then you will see an amazing thing. You will see Grace. He was grace to all but to the one who was the son of Grace, special favour fell. There is much I could say but can I just point you to one verse?
'And he (that is Joseph) took portions to them (that is the sons of Jacob, and Benjamin) from his own table; but Benjamin's portion was five times as much as any of theirs. So they feasted and drank freely with him.' [Genesis 43: 34]
Are you astounded?

These are last days and we see evidence everywhere. I see many posts on Facebook bemoaning the decision's of today's decision makers as the things of 'holiness' are set aside. I don't disagree with the sentiments expressed but I have no intention of discussing any of them because that is not our role in this world. Why are we worrying? Jesus said all these things would come to pass. They have not come for us to worry about then, discuss them at great length, even think about them. Worrying will not add one day to our lives, our stature is not increased by worrying; in fact the reverse applies! Set these things aside.
How can I explain it? When I am in my hometown of Dorrigo I love to walk outside in the darkness before the dawn on a clear, moonless night and look at the sky. The darkness is tangible, but what is the result? The morning star just shines that much brighter! That is what I see! We can look and see the darkness but the darker it gets the brighter our Light shines! Do you get it?

What has this got to do with Benjamin?
Today is the day of Benjamin. We have the same Father and we can choose the same mother. We can choose to receive Grace. We can turn back and see the glory of our Father, expressed in the person of Jesus; His glory is HIS LOVE, and we can give Him glory and, just like the one leper of Luke 17, we will receive wholeness; not just cleansing; all the other nine lepers where cleansed but only one received wholeness. As we turn back we take our seat at the right hand as we are seated with Jesus [Ephesians 2: 6] to receive His lovingkindness; as we turn back we sent on into wholeness; as we turn back we step into our generation, the Benjamin generation. The Benjamin generation receives the LOVE of their Father and as we receive His love then blessing chases us, five times more than our brothers.

I have expressed in this blog deep, great and marvellous truths. There is so much more to share but I probably have written enough now.

Who is your mother? Of what generation are you? You might be of Reuben wondering whether the Father loves you [Genesis 29: 32]; you might be of Simeon believing you are unloved [Genesis 29: 33]; you might be of Levi desiring that your Father becomes attached to you [Genesis 29: 34] but today you can 'praise the Lord' and choose the lion of the tribe of Judah, JESUS and He will become your brother and you can take your place in the generation of Benjamin, the generation of favour, the generation of the Loved, the generation who are chased by blessing, five times more than your brothers.

The Benjamin generation.


Graeme Shephard