Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Storms and tents...

There was a day when I went to the front of a church and said to God that I was available.
I don't regret that walk, but it has not been easy. Storms abound.
I have been wondering if the storms get bigger and more intense the closer you get to the other side?
Personally, I am at present, greatly challenged by the storm.

For months now I have been contemplating the story of Jesus, the disciples, and the storm in Mark 4. It is also found in Matthew 8.
This morning I have been reminded again by this event and the question I feel that I have been asked is this?
As the storm raged...
What did Jesus do?...and what did the disciples do?...and which one am I?
What did Jesus do? He was sleeping on 'the cushion.' I have often said that there is no misplaced word in the Bible. Even allowing for 'difficulties' in translation, no word is misplaced, and my attention is drawn to the small fact that it wasn't 'a cushion' that Jesus slept on but it was 'the cushion.'
Some weeks ago I was contemplating this story and I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and ask me about this cushion. He said to me, "Do you remember when Jesus was in the boat and He was asleep on the cushion? How could He sleep when the storm was raging? On what did He sleep?" I did not comprehend the answer and so He said, "His cushion was the love of His Father. He rested in the truth of Jeremiah 31: 3. You, too, can rest your head there and sleep, even while the storm rages."
The cushion - not just a cushion but the resting place in the Father's bosom [John 1: 18] and this was what Jesus did as the storm raged.

What did the disciples do?
They, I guess, battled the storm for a time and when their efforts were not enough they then came to Jesus and asked Him if He cared. The bottom line, I assume, was that they wanted the storm to stop. Jesus rebuked the wind and He hushed the sea and they were amazed and afraid. I wonder of which they were more afraid, the storm or of the Storm Calmer? I think they were more afraid of the Storm Calmer because it says 'they became very much afraid.' [Mark 4: 41] It begs the question, which do we 'fear' more? The storm, or the Storm Calmer?

Now, what about me?
Here's a couple more questions to consider. If Jesus didn't calm the storm would they have made it to the other side? Was the boat going to go down with Jesus on board? And, do I want the storm calmed or can I rest my head where Jesus rested His? What do you think?

I could talk a lot around those questions but not today.

Now something about tents.
I am greatly challenged at present. The thought crosses my mind to give this Christian thing away. It's just too hard! Recently someone said to me that for some time the Lord has been driving me deeper in Him and now it is time to go wider. I have thought about this and my mind goes to tents. In Isaiah 54: 2 - 3 it says, 'Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your pegs. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your descendants will possess nations, and they will resettle the desolate cities.'
Which is easier? Going deeper in Him? Or going wider? It reminds me of the cross, an up and down bit - vertical - going deeper in Him, and a side to side bit - horizontal - going wider.
Enlarge the place; stretch out the curtains, spare not, lengthen your cords, strengthen your pegs...what does it all mean?

I'm sure He has more to say on this but I'll leave it there. If you take the time to read this I hope it might help you.


1 comment:

  1. love what you write Graeme.....and ,yes...what does it all mean? Here's to Papa God letting us find out. Bless you heaps
