Friday, September 25, 2015

Common sense?

What do you think? Is 'common sense' a pathway to Holy Spirit revelation? Does God deal in 'common sense'? I was reading something the other day and I sensed the Lord say to me, "It's just common sense."
I better give a little bit of context. I am a revelation seeker. There is no greater joy for me than to do a 'Mary', sit at the Lord's feet to hear His words. When we sit my experience is He is more than happy to speak. So lately He has been speaking to me about glory, and new heavens and new earth, but I'm not able to yet share that fully with you.  In fact, I think that it may be that you will have to come to me for that, rather than me go to you. That may not make any sense but that is what I feel.
So, as I meditate on these 'new' things, that are actually old, the Lord says to me, 'It's just common sense...think about it, your thinking doesn't make sense...and right believing leads to right living.'
So...common sense...
Okay, think on this.
In 2 Peter 3: 9 we read a statement that is often used in Gospel preaching. It says this, '...not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.' The old King James Version says it like this, '...not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.' There is much that could be said about the context and audience surrounding Peter's writing but maybe another day.

For now, I am reading this passage and I recognise this statement because I have heard it countless times before, and probably quoted it nearly as many! But my meditation has been about glory and new heavens and new earth, as I already said, and in my meditation the Spirit communes with me as follows, 'All the teaching you have had tells you that you are looking for glory as something you aspire to in your future. And here you have a statement that says that I am not willing that any should perish, an outcome that requires My glory (His glory is the love of God) and yet you believe that you are deficient in glory and that glory is something future.'
'Think about it - I have called you to be emissaries of My Grace - why would I call you to that but not give you the means to accomplish it? It doesn't make sense! If My word is true that I am not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, and it is true, then it only makes sense that I have already given you all that you need - I have poured out My glory upon you. Your body is the dwelling place of My glory - Christ in you, the hope of glory - do you believe it?'

I feel that it is true that we have been like the disciples standing looking into the sky in Acts 1. For 2000 years we have been looking into the sky waiting for a coming Lord who will give us glory, and in the looking we have missed His coming. I believe there was a significant event in AD 70 that we overlook. The temple was destroyed; the last vestige of law removed and the veil which was undoubtedly repaired following the crucifixion of Jesus completely destroyed. Oh, don't think that the work of Jesus was somehow diminished by the repair of the veil, but the point is that glory came out. Glory came out and heaven, where God dwells, and earth, where man is priest, were united - heaven and earth became one as God's dwelling place was destroyed, and so He came out to dwell in you, and me - our bodies became the temple of the Holy Spirit.
So why do we continue to look into the sky? Glory has already come but we just fail to believe it. Now, I'm not asking you to believe me, you believe what you like but as I meditate the discloser of Jesus suggests to me common sense does not allow for our teaching that glory is future; common sense must say that we already have His glory - and the only hindrance is we fail to believe it. We are called to make disciples of all nations - common sense must say that God has given us everything we require to achieve His desire that none perish but that all come to repentance, and yet we operate believing that our glory is a future aspiration.
Let me close with a question - let's just say that you are filled with His glory and you believe it, how would that transform your life?
I believe Peter, and Paul, carried His glory and Peter's shadow fell on people and they were healed, and Paul sent his hankerchief to someone far away and they were healed!
You carry His glory too. It is a life transforming truth. Let's stop looking into the sky and live in the truth of Christ in us - wow! - life will never be the same.

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