Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jesus is the Saviour...

I remember years ago I was asked to speak at a presentation of church land we might call it a gospel rally, or a gospel celebration; 'gospel' translates good it was an event where I was to tell those gathered the good news that had come, which is Jesus.
I gave what I felt was a reasonable presentation of this good news and a point came when I 'felt' it time to ask people whether they would agree to accept Jesus for themselves. So I mustered my best 'decision time' closing and delivered it and...nothing happened!

There were some hundreds of people of all ages sitting before me and not one person could have heard a pin drop!

At this point I entered into a communication with God that felt like it took an hour or two but probably only actually took a few seconds.
I started with the words, "Thanks a lot God, You bring me out here and give me this job to share Jesus and here I am and now I look like a right wally. Thanks for the complete embarrassment! Here I am standing up here because I thought that's what You wanted me to do and all I have achieved is to make myself look like a complete ..."

God replied, "Graeme, there is something you need to can preach all you like and I will give you unbelievable opportunities to preach but I do the saving!"

"Okay...Jesus is the Saviour," I considered.

"Now ask them again."

So I did and every person, man, woman and child rose up to receive Jesus.

What is the point...we must recognise that the successful salvation of mankind is not bound up in the quality of our preaching, the cleverness of our strategy, the intensity of our effort, the encouragement to to be everything else salvation is of the Lord and we must TRUST Him. He saves because He isn't willing that any should miss Him. We are just favoured to be a part of His good news delivery.

We are not the key, the key is recognising that He is the Key, and the Door, and the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, and the Bread of Life, and the Water of Life, and the Light of the World, and the Good Shepherd, and the Son of God, and the Saviour; He is EVERYTHING.

When we recognise that...truly see it then we will bring Jesus and He is the Saviour.

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