Sunday, December 30, 2012

More...who is your mother?

We move on in our Bibles and we come to Jacob.

An interesting guy…but this isn’t about him, this is about our mother.

Jacob needed/wanted a wife. He found one, her name was Rachel and he loved her. However, Laban, Rachel’s father, tricked Jacob and instead married off Leah, Rachel’s older sister, to Jacob. It was a rotten thing for Laban to do but in a way it is also kind of funny. Jacob basically got married thinking he was marrying Rachel and woke up in the morning and it was Leah looking at him from across the pillow. I think poor old Jacob got quite a shock! The fact is Jacob was in such a hurry he failed to unveil his bride…you know when the groom turns back the veil at weddings today well this is a response to the mistake Jacob made all those years ago! You have to make sure you got the right one! None of us want to wake up beside Leah. You see Jacob loved Rachel and Rachel was very beautiful; Leah, on the other hand, was, well, not so beautiful!

The upshot of this story is that Jacob after jumping through a few hoops finally got Rachel and so we get back the question…who is your mother?

The name Leah means ‘weary’. The name Rachel means ‘ewe’ or ‘female sheep’. We will think about the characteristics of the meanings a little later for this is important in understanding the types represented by Leah and Rachel. It is also important that we know that Leah is the older, Rachel the younger. Leah, you see, is a type of the law, Rachel a type of grace and law came first followed by grace.

It is also important to reflect on the story of Jacob and Leah a little longer because there is significance there for our topic. Remember Jacob failed to unveil Leah, a veil brings blindness and the fact is the law blinds.

You know I feel like I should say something here. I do not want you to get the idea that I believe the law is wrong. This is not my purpose for I categorically state that the law is completely right. The law is an absolute reflection of the character and nature of God. The law reflects his holiness, the standard of God and if you want a definition of ‘right’ then this is it. This never changes. However, we need to gather the purpose of the law. Its sole purpose was to reveal, bring to light, to show our need for God. Its sole purpose was to reveal that we needed God. It said you must do this or that, or not do this or that, and if you are able then we will be right with God. This was not possible and the law stated that death was the result for one unable to follow. We were unable to follow and sadly we were even unable to die for our sin and so Jesus did it for us. Jesus once said that He didn’t come to do away with the law but to fulfil it. He is the complete fulfilment of the law. When we today hang on to the law we are nullifying His fulfilment of the law. By His grace in sacrifice He died the death we could not and He fulfilled the requirements of the law to the absolute letter and so today, if we believe in Him, we are free from the law and are brought into His grace, His total and complete love, His favour unmerited.

The law blinds. While we hang on to law we are blinded to grace. God’s desire is for us to be unveiled. The veil is a picture of the law. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3: 14 that ‘their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ’. (As we read the Old Testament we must seek for the pointing forward to Jesus for it is only in Him is the truth of the Old Testament revealed). We are blinded with an unlifted veil and so we marry Leah.

Beloved, stop looking to your performance under the law to be justified, stop pursuing blessing under the measure of your obedience. Look to Christ because it is in Him the veil is removed; see Him and Him only as your justification. Step into the New Covenant ratified in His blood and receive the promise that you are completely justified in Him, not according to your performance but according to His finished work, and nothing more.

This is a true dilemma. Consider this; we have the delight of someone staggering into our church and receiving Jesus as their personal Saviour. They come to Him with all their stuff and He receives them and then we go to town on them and try to effect change. We aren’t prepared to wait on Jesus to transform and so we force it on them by introducing a few rules and regulations. We identify things that need changing and we want them changed now. This is best for them we consider…and frankly we can’t have people in our church behaving in such a way so we need to effect change. A bit of law is introduced and along with it comes the purpose of the law – condemnation. Not only does our new convert then get a measure of blindness as we ‘force’ them down the path of change with an injection of law, just to sort them out, but our good intended ‘rules’ mean they are then ‘veiled’ to grace.

The fact is that grace effects change but it is slow.

Jacob had Leah and he had Rachel. Leah worked fast and gave Jacob sons starting with Reuben. Rachel even got frustrated and introduced Bilhad, her maid servant, to Jacob and so by the time Rachel finally gave birth to Joseph Jacob already had ten sons by Leah and others.

Give grace time. Grace works slow for it works from the inside out. Law has the appearance of working fast but the fact it is it is tiring. Remember the meaning of the name Leah is ‘weary’. Law is tiring because it is based in our performance and our performance doesn’t last. Be honest no matter how hard you try you cannot effect lasting change. Only grace can bring change. Only receiving the love of God in Christ will the mountains be removed in our lives.

You remember David who went out against the mountain named Goliath he went with five stones. Five is the number of the grace of God, David went out knowing the grace of God and (any reading of the Psalms should convince you of this) it was in this unveiled place that he defeated the mountain.

Back to Rachel.

Rachel’s name means ‘ewe’ or ‘female sheep’.

Think of this…first of all the sheep directs us to the Lamb of God, Jesus, who became a sacrifice for us shedding His blood for our forgiveness and enduring the stripes for our healing.

Also the sheep is the epitome of submission. Isaiah describes a sheep as being led to the slaughter and before the shearers being dumb…this is a picture of submission. Submission Biblically represents agreement (not the world’s definition of submission) and we need to set aside anything of our own contribution to the plan of God to restore us and just accept His grace (unmerited favour).  

We can also see in Rachel the fact that God loves grace, not law. Jacob had two wives and he loved Rachel, not Leah. God loves grace not law. Yes law is holy but grace is beautiful and wonderful. Let me ask you…in your faith walk do you feel more for pursuing holiness or receiving grace? It is a much more beautiful state to receive Jesus than to pursue an unattainable goal of holiness in our own strength. Remember we are the righteousness of God in Christ.

Oh, absolutely I agree that the nature of God is to enforce the law, after all He is HOLY (with a capital ’H’) but, praise His name, He is also grace and mercy. That is why He sent His Son to endure the penalty of the sin of mankind and in so doing totally and completely satisfied His own holiness. It is in this fact and nothing else that we can declare in truth that we are the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5: 21).

This is what Rachel represents to us. Grace acceptance…Jesus acceptance for grace is a person and His name is Jesus.

Allowing grace to bring transformation can be seen in Rachel who ultimately gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin…which is another thought for another day.

You know only grace can truly bring transformation in a person’s life. The new Christian that has received Jesus who undoubtedly needs transformation will not be transformed by an injection of law.

I’m sorry, you may see short term results from this approach but it is only in the receiving of grace that you will see true and lasting transformation. The Bible says in Romans 5: 17 that ‘those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.’ Please understand here that ‘righteousness’ has nothing to do with right behaviour; this is the righteousness that is received only in the receiving of the free gift of Christ.

Only receiving grace (remember grace is a person…His name is Jesus) brings transformation. Why is it that we so often load new Christians with rules and regulations rather than allow grace to do His work? I hear some say “Are you kidding, we have to put boundaries on people of else they will do whatever they like!” This is a lie! Listen to the Bible…these are not my words, these are God’s words through Paul…Romans 6: 14, ‘For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace’.

We often quote this verse…’we love Him because He first loved us’…but what is the absolute truth of this? It is this…only as we receive and know His love can we love Him or anyone else. When we know His love then we will truly love God. As we receive Grace we will be so enamoured by Him that the dominion that the things that bound us will no longer have strength over us and this phenomenon will be an on-going transformation that will ultimately bring holiness. Nothing can stand before the love of God…read the latter verses of Romans 8.

Can you see the up-side-down nature of this? We think we need to pursue holiness and this will ALWAYS result in disappointment for it is based in us…the only true and lasting transformation comes from receiving Grace, ONLY under Grace will we see the destruction of the dominion of sin over us, ONLY UNDER GRACE, law can’t do it, ONLY GRACE.

There is a pivotal verse in the Bible found in Romans 8: 1. There is NO CONDEMNATION for them that are in Christ Jesus…the law brings condemnation, ONLY GRACE brings freedom, completeness, fullness, peace, hope, salvation, justification, forgiveness, and every other good thing. All things work together for good to them that are in Christ Jesus…note it makes no mention of our effort, obedience or strength, only being ‘in’ Him.

So who is your mother?

Leah? Leah is a type of law. Law who brings weariness? Law who brings burden? Law who brings condemnation?

Rachel? Rachel is a type of Grace. Grace who brings freedom? Grace who brings salvation? Grace who brings complete submission to the call and plan of God, a plan that is GOOD? Grace who brings true and lasting transformation?

Beloved choose Grace. Stop trying to obey to receive blessing. Just receive Him who is grace, Jesus. He is EVERYTHING.

And then there is Joseph…but that is for another time.

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