Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I stood and cheered...with tears in my eyes

Today I am thinking of a link someone shared on Facebook yesterday from You Tube. If I can work out how I will share the link below.
As I watched the link I found myself standing and cheering with tears in my eyes. Why? Was it for the joy in the healed woman? Yes. Was it for a miracle that we don’t see every day? Probably. There were undoubtedly lots of reasons that I stood and cheered.

Today I am thinking that we may accept that God is interested in the big issues (He obviously was interested in the healed woman’s issue; it doesn’t get much bigger than Stage 4 Bone Cancer, right?) but is He interested in me? Is He considerate of my little issue? Does He see me?
You see the main reason I stood and cheered with tears in my eyes was for a Jesus who lives and is interested in me (and you) and cares.

I want to share a couple of little stories.

Recently I was in Cambodia. It is my privilege to often go to that country and share the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. We hold ‘celebrations’ where we share with the people. We share food (their food, not ours, which we provide), we share conversation, we share fellowship, we share the same ground or table, we share care and interest and love, we share Jesus, we always offer prayer and people come forward to receive from a Jesus they hardly know but who they have just received.

At one place a man came forward for prayer. He could hardly walk. I prayed. I am no great pray-er, I merely thanked God that He heard me (that’s what Jesus did at the tomb of Lazarus; He always hears the quietest whisper) and received the abundant healing grace of God on the man’s behalf. He danced away swivelling his hips like Elvis! Elvis lives; he’s in Cambodia!
At another place a man came forward for prayer. He couldn’t bend his little finger. His little pinkie was as stiff as a board. I prayed same as before. He walked away practicing his new found mobility in his little pinkie.

I could tell you of the deaf boy who hears at Rokakong or the elderly woman who puked up a mass as Jesus expelled a tumour from her chest at Kampong Spue (appropriate name, don’t you think?)

One time a woman pastor came to me and asked for prayer. She had cholera. I prayed. She walked away. One year later I saw the woman again. In usual 'western’ fashion I ‘beat around the bush’ trying to find out whether Jesus had healed her that day.
She did not understand my evasive questioning and eventually I just said, “Remember I prayed with you? Did God heal you?”
Her answer?
She said, “Of course”.
I laughed. I think Jesus laughed too!
What is the point? Friends, Jesus loves you. He cares for you. He is interested in the big issues, yes but He is interested in your little issues too. He knows you in all points. He knows the things you need healing for. He knows the things that challenge you. He died for them all. He bore them all. There is now no condemnation for you. Receive Him. Don’t be deceived He isn’t interested in your little pinkie. Jesus cares. Take it too Him.

Here’s the link...
Watch it and cheer and then take your ‘stuff’ to Him.
This is the day of favour.
This is the day of receiving.

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