Friday, May 31, 2013

My Call...

You know I write this blog because I have stuff to share but no platform on which to share it. I really want to thank you for taking the time to read it.
The fact is I have never really achieved anything. I'm not telling you that to encourage you to feel sorry for me but it is a foundation for what I need to share with you all.
I want to declare to you all today my call. I believe that it is important that I declare this to you all. I have no real earthly achievement because God had other plans.

I won't make this long because I want you to read it all.

In 2001 I received a call from God. This was a voice which said "I am giving you this country as your mission field." The country was Cambodia. The speaker was the God who gives dreams, places visions within us and then provides the provision.

I remember one time when I was young, maybe about fourteen, when I had this sense that my future was to be a missionary. What followed was a lifestyle that was pretty much opposed to that (I apologise to all I have hurt along that path) until one day God spoke to me for the first time and said. "I will restore the years the locusts have eaten." That was 2000.

2001 I travel to Cambodia and while there God speaks again.
A lot has followed that. God has been good and given me opportunity to preach in Cambodia and thousands have received Him.
One of those good things was a vision that I experienced in Cambodia in maybe 2005, not exactly sure but the picture is extremely vivid to me. The story is longish so I will just tell you that it culminated in me and a number of Cambodian people lifting a flagpole and driving it into the soil of Cambodia and the flag, attached to the pole, unfurling which read 'JESUS IS LORD'.
For years I have only seen my role in that vision which has inspired me to preach but I have failed to see the other people until...
In 2012 God called me again this time to receive His radical grace. Radical grace gets a bad rap but let me make this clear, grace isn't radical because I receive it radically but rather because God is radical in His unmerited favour toward us. Jesus Christ is Grace, radically expressing the Love, Blessing and Favour of God. That is what I believe. I can't explain all that here so you will just have to accept that from me, whether you agree or not.
In the realisation of the radical grace of God He showed me again the flagpole but this time I saw the Cambodian people involved in raising the flag.
He then called again to prepare the people of radical grace who would raise the flagpole with me. These people are the Benjamins, the people of radical reliance on the boundless grace and favour of our God in Christ Jesus. call.
I am called to take Cambodia for Jesus Christ. 
I am called to raise up the generation of grace, the Benjamins.
The call of God on my life will have global impact which will reach far beyond Cambodia. God has promised many things which I embrace and receive without hesitation. I speak out those promises daily. I receive Jesus in the Lord's Communion everyday, I speak in tongues and use anointing oil and I assign all praise and glory to the King, Jesus, the fullness of God, my Saviour, My Lord. I believe the Lord will provide the millions of dollars that are required to follow the vision He has given me. I believe that He is already raising up the team of Cambodians who will raise the flag, the banner of the Lordship of Christ over Cambodia, and which the whole world will see.

So that is it. I speak it out and God will give it life, for He is The Life.
If you receive it or reject it it does not matter for that isn't the point but I do thank you for reading.

Graeme Shephard.

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