Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Love...it's personal

Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good; His Love, Mercy and Grace endure forever and ever.

Handerchief Beach, Narooma, NSW

For the last week my wife, daughter and myself have been camping at the beach.
Just beautiful!
Yesterday, as we went down to the beach (a few minutes walk from our campsite) I just found myself spontaneously praising the Lord for His love, His great love for me.

As I praised the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and the waves, relentlessly rolling in to the beach, just became new and wonderful to me. They never stop, they just keep rolling in, they are relentless and they encompass everything in their path.

My spirit just leapt up to thank God for His revealed love, Jesus Christ.
I love the verses at the beginning of Hebrews where the writer describes Jesus, The Son of God, as the 'exact representation of His nature'. Listen to the words, allow them to truly penetrate the veil, Jesus Christ exactly represents the nature of God and as John 3: 16 so beautifully declares Jesus was given because God so loved.
Oh beautiful words...
God SO loves; not just a little love but a SO LOVE, He so loves us, He so loves me, He so loves you
What a beautiful Love, Jesus Christ, the Love of God revealed. Hallelujah!

You know sometimes the waves are fierce and passionate, sometimes soothing and gentle, but always they roll in, and roll in and roll in. They never, ever stop, they just keep coming and coming. Oh I can reject them and turn away but they will keep coming; or I can immerse myself in them completely and they keep coming and coming.

This is a beautiful picture to me of the love of God in Jesus Christ for me.
Sometimes passionate, sometimes gentle but always relentless.

Beloved, God loves you.
He showed the immensity of His love in the giving of His Son.
His only request of you is that you believe it and receive it.
Allow it to wash over you today.
Receive His Love.

His Love is Jesus and Jesus is EVERYTHING.

The waves roll in - Handkerchief Beach, Narooma, NSW

God bless your day with His great love.

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