Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Withered Tree...

Do you remember Jesus and the withered fig tree?
The story is found in Matthew 21 and in Mark 11.

I have a question.
As you read the two records of this incident there appears to be a discrepancy.
In Matthew the tree withers immediately, in Mark the tree is withered the next day.
There are no discrepancies in God's word so what is this about?

It is about our eyes.

No one likes delay, least of all me.
God promises breakthrough for me, for WTL, for the families of WTL.
God has said that the rain will fall on me and will fall on those He has given WTL.
God has said that the burden will be lifted because of fatness [Isaiah 10: 27].
If I shared with you all that the Lord has spoken over us you would be astounded.
We believe it.
But we see a delay, why?
It's about us.
He waits for us, not we wait for Him.
Read on.

In the Mark record we see a verse that has always intrigued me.
I have spoken of it before.
It goes like this:
'And Jesus answered saying to them, "Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen. it will be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THEM, and they will be granted you."
Don't you find this intriguing? I do!
We'll get back to that in a minute.

Firstly the two fig trees stories.
In Matthew Jesus says the fig tree will no longer bear fruit and it says that the fig tree withered immediately.
In Mark Jesus says the same but we see that the fig tree was withered the next day.
Why the difference? Is there a mistake in God's word?

There is no mistake but there is a great revelation.
I often say, Jesus is Everything.
I didn't make this up all on my own. I once asked a precious brother how he would describe in a few words the message of Grace to which God was calling me and his reply was...
I have never forgotten it.
But the truth is that my brother didn't make it up on his own either because God, the Father, said in Colossians 1: 19 that it was His 'good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him.'
In the next chapter of Colossians it says that 'in Him [that is, Jesus] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.'
If you want you can write over those two verses, and there are many more, the blessed words, JESUS IS EVERYTHING.

Now the two accounts of the withered fig tree.
One is spiritual and the other physical.
Matthew records the spiritual reality, Mark records the physical.
What do I mean?

When Jesus speaks over your life in the finished work of the cross it is done.
He said, "IT IS FINISHED."

(Listen to me, when Jesus says 'I have come that they might have life, ABUNDANT LIFE' it is done in the finished work of Jesus. No if's, no buts! Please ignore those who would tell you that the abundant life of Christ includes this but doesn't include that. When Jesus restores He does a complete job. I have spoken of this truth in previous posts on this blog. If I go there now this will be very long!)

When God says bounty is poured out on WTL in the spiritual it is done. The fig tree withers immediately.

(That will be why God continues to unfold the immensity of His plan for WTL...beloved, it is IMMENSE! I have to ask, do you want to partner with us? Please contact me. As partners we will stand together in glory surrounded by millions and millions who God has shown me are our inheritance. Do you want to stand with us in that day? Then stand with us now and the rain will fall on you too! Don't stand with us looking at us, stand with us and look at Jesus. We point you to Him. Our message is simple, He is EVERYTHING.)

In the physical it is delayed. But it WILL wither the next day and when it does it will wither roots and all!
What is done in the spiritual we will see physically fulfilled far greater than we can hope or imagine! It will be roots and all!
Beloved, what is released in heaven IS RELEASED on earth.

What am I saying?
When we pray we must believe the finished work of Jesus, we believe in HIM. Nothing else. No strategy on our part, no action required, nothing to be done, we are given the Kingdom, already given, not coming, we don't have it but not yet...WE HAVE IT because we have Jesus and He is EVERYTHING! Do you see? God is Love and He revealed it in Jesus. When He gave His only Son do we really, REALLY believe that there is a limit to the out-pouring of His Grace? Really? Is His favour limited? NO way! Despite what is preached everywhere telling you what you should do to merit the favour of God I have to tell you that you already have His favour because Jesus completed the work! What we see with physical eyes isn't important. In HIM it is done. The mountain is cast into the sea even though it may appear to be still there.
When we pray we BELIEVE THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED IT even though the physical fulfillment is delayed.

That is where we are at WTL.
Breakthrough is delayed but does that make it uncertain? No way!
It is certain because in the spiritual it is done because Jesus is the fullness of God and the Bible clearly declares that in His fullness we are complete. That is Colossians 2: 10.

I speak now to my WTL family everywhere, all those God has given us and those who are still coming.
Our breakthrough, our completion, is certain because the tree is withered immediately in Jesus Christ.
Yes, we see delay until the morning but the delay does not make its fulfillment less certain.
The enemy would like us to believe that it may not come but we reject that and we declare: 'The tree is withered immediately, in Jesus finished work, in the provision of the promise of Jesus Christ our breakthrough is certain.'
All of you join with me brothers and sisters and believe that we have it even if our physical eyes don't see it because based in His GRACE it is done. It is certain. It is complete.

What should we do now together?
We should give thanks to the Lord for He is Good. His Love, Mercy and Grace endure forever and ever and ever. Amen and amen.
This is our Victory Call!
Give Him your thanks as if we already have it and it will be granted.
Amen, Lord Jesus.
We believe it and receive it.


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