Tuesday, September 16, 2014


"Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. [Revelation 22: 20]

We are an expectant people. We are looking for His coming, and come He will. There is great comfort for the people of God in this truth.

But this post isn't about that.

It is not my 'thing' to comment on stuff but I am sure we have all been absolutely appalled by the evil of the ISIS death cult and the deaths of the three who have been brutally and disgustingly beheaded. My prayer and care reaches out to the families and friends of those who have suffered, and are suffering.

As I look at this I see prophecy speaking about the last days.  As we view these atrocities, and all the conflict and brokenness of our world, we must accept that these are last days. The last days are clearly defined and explained in scripture but that isn't what I felt to speak about either.

As I thought and meditated around these things my mind went to a thought I had years ago. At that time I was thinking on the coming of Jesus spoken of in the Bible and I 'felt' at that time that He will come when the gospel circumnavigates the world. The gospel headed out from the cross of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, and to complete its circumnavigation it must return to Jerusalem. Those were my thoughts at that time, and these returned to me and prompted this post.

Now as we consider ISIS there is much in me, and maybe in you, that says turn every form of retribution their way and use the formidable power of our armed forces to wipe this scourge from the planet. I am sure we have what is capable to do so. But will this have any lasting effect? I doubt it. In the last few days we have seen military personnel mobilise to return to Iraq. We admire them and we lift them to God.

But even as I say that my thoughts turn and what I think flies in the face of the human in me but the fact is that there is only one answer. This answer is the most formidable weapon ever unleashed against evil, ever! This answer overcomes all evil, this answer is victory itself because this answer, the only answer, is the Overcomer and Victory Himself, Jesus Christ.

My call is the gospel of Grace. Grace is a person, His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Overcomer and the Victor. He defeated death, He annihilated evil, He overcame.
I am greatly challenged because my call is the gospel and as I thought of all this I felt a prompting from within.
This prompting said, 'Prepare Graeme, the last great bastion of the enemy is ready to be taken. This is the last barrier to My gospel circumnavigating the world and returning to where it began in the heart of God, expressed in Jesus Christ at Calvary. Prepare, the gospel must be taken to these people who languish under the oppression of evil. I AM the answer. There is no other. Military power won't do it. The last days will see the gospel return to Jerusalem. Prepare for mobilisation, the last great push is beginning.'

I don't know what to say. Maybe God will say something also to you. If He does I would love it if you shared it because I believe that mobilisation is not about just one but us all.
I'll say no more.

God's blessing to you.

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