Friday, September 12, 2014

The Life of Purpose Journey

This will be a long post...I apologise. Please persevere.

Following are a series of posts I made to my Facebook page in the latter part of August and early September 2014. For a long time I have been meditating on the tabernacle of the Old Testament. The tabernacle is Christ concealed and today in this day of Grace, this side of the cross of the finished work of Jesus, God, by His Holy Spirit, wants to disclose Jesus to us. Jesus is the centrepiece of God, the keystone and the cornerstone and our sure foundation, our rock of ages. 
For a long time also I have felt that Psalm 23 is a journey, a progression, and reflects the journey of the life of David, the 'man after God's own heart.' And so, off and on, I have also contemplated this in my meditation before the Lord and then, in August, the Lord showed me, through my precious brother Samnang, of Cambodia, Psalm 27 (also written by David) and it was as if God completed a jigsaw puzzle He has been building before me over a long time.
So I pray you will be blessed by my thoughts and, perhaps, they will spur you to seek to meet with your God and receive His revelation for yourself. You know the Bible says we 'know in part and we prophesy in part' [1 Corinthians 13: 9] and the desire of the Lord is that 'the partial be done away.' The partial will be done away when we receive Jesus in radical grace. Only when we discard the alloy of mixing law and grace and embrace grace completely will we 'know fully just as [we] have been fully known.' [1 Corinthians 13: 12] To know fully, I believe, is is 'see' faith, hope and love; I speak of Jesus alone, and to know His love for the greatest is love - His love for us and in His worth enter His radical presence to dwell. This is the mountaintop, this is the presence of God, this is the meeting place, the tabernacle and the temple, the place where God dwells...but let's travel together on the Life of Purpose. Let's go...  

'The Lord is my shepherd...' [Psalms 23: 1]
The journey of Life, with a capital 'L', begins here. We enter the tent of meeting, the meeting place with God. The first thing we see is the brazen altar, the altar of the burnt offering. This is the first thing we must see. 
 The sacrifice is taken and the person places his hand on the head of the offering. In the burnt offering the purity of the sacrifice is transferred to the one offering; in the sin offering the sin of the one offering is transferred to the sacrifice.So beautiful! Such a wonderful picture of our Good Shepherd. In John 10 Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." "I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep."Think of David, who wrote this Psalm. He would have been intimately acquainted with the layout of the tabernacle. He knew what came first. As David grew tending his father's sheep he knew the Lamb of God. He could 'see' the offering of God ; therefore He could say at the beginning, 'The Lord is my shepherd. He knew that this is where a meeting with God began. No need to 'know' anything just receive truth in faith. Receive truth that this Shepherd left the ninety-nine self-righteous sheep in the wilderness and went looking for the one that was lost. And when He finds it He lays it on His shoulders and carries it, and rejoices! [Luke 15]Can you see it? Will you believe and receive it?Rejoice! This is good news. Receive Him, Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. Allow Him to lift you upon His shoulders; I think there you can truly say, 'I shall not want...'Have a great day.


'...I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.' [Psalms 23: 1 - 2]
In John 6 we see Jesus feeding the 5000. It says that He instructed the disciples to 'have the people sit down' and it notes that 'there was much grass in the place.' There is nothing insignificant in the Bible.
If we continue our Psalm 23 life journey into the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, we first met with Jesus at the altar of burnt offering. There we met our true shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. There we hear His voice and He says that ' My sheep hear My voice and know My voice.'
The next item in the tabernacle is the laver. It is a bowl, very ornate, for washing. It represents the word. You see Jesus wants us to not only believe but He wants us to receive. He wants us to receive Him, and He is found in the word, for He is the Word.
Our Shepherd finds us in the wilderness and He lifts us upon His shoulders and rejoices. This rejoicing never stops and His shoulders are a place of protection and blessing, a place of no want or lack, a place of green pastures and still waters.
There is so much that could be said but may be think on this. Hebrews 5: 9 - 10 says that Jesus 'became to all those who obey Him (that is, believe in Him - do not apply law, see with eyes of grace) the source of eternal salvation, being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.' What does this mean? Why not the Aaronic priesthood that served in the tabernacle? The Aaronic priesthood took from people but the priesthood of Melchizedek blesses. See Genesis 14 where we read of Melchizedek blessing Abraham. The priesthood of Jesus is to bless.
And then we could think on this. Galatians 4: 6 - 7 says this. 'Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.'
I trust you are receiving the washing at the laver. The wonderful thing is you can go here every day and I would encourage you to do so.
Beloved, receive this...the priesthood of Jesus is to bless you, He loves you. He came a long way for you. He lifts you to His shoulders, He is the source of eternal salvation; you are no longer a slave but a son. Salvation for you is so much more than the wonderful miracle that occurred at the brazen altar. He has so much more for you; it is healing, prosperity, wholeness, favour, intimacy with God, answered prayers AND He has deposited the Spirit of His Son in you by which you cry 'Daddy, dear Father.'
There is so much more to say. Sitting down in the grassy place the 5000 all were filled, and there were twelve baskets of fragments left over! This is your portion. Will you receive it?
And the journey has only just begun!
Have a great day.


‘He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.’ [Psalm 23: 3]
Remember we are on a journey. The journey we are taking is into the tabernacle, the meeting place, where we meet with God. Do you want to meet with God? We have met Him in the person of Jesus as our Shepherd at the altar of burnt offering, the brazen altar. He is the shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, the One who left the ninety-nine and went looking for the one lost sheep – You. He places you on His shoulders and you never leave that place of rejoicing, protection, support, provision and favour. We have taken a glimpse of the fact that God has placed the Spirit of His Son within us and it is He who reveals, who discloses, all that is Christ to us and in us. This is the truth of John 16. We are at the laver, the place of washing. We receive His washing by the Word and we can bathe there whenever we like.
You know I often us this analogy. Sin is a prison. We are all incarcerated in the innermost cell, on death row, because of the sin of man, the rejection of God. Jesus came to the prison and He calls us to come. He opened the door of the death cell at Calvary and we receive Him and come out. But when we do we are still in the prison. Jesus is with us but we still experience all the atmosphere of the prison. Before us are doors that bring us ultimately to freedom. Religion can’t help, even church can’t help; only Jesus by His Spirit can help.
But here we are at Psalm 23: 3. Read the verse again. Here, in this verse, I believe is one of the great keys of FREEDOM. We begin our journey to freedom. Jesus is with us. Restoration begins. His ministry, declared in Luke 4: 18 – 19, is a ministry of gospel, release, sight, freedom and favour. But here is a great key. The key is righteousness. Many people struggle to believe that they are worthy to receive. We need to smash that lie right here. The foundation stone of the New Covenant is set in Hebrews 10: 17. He remembers our sins and lawless deeds no more! Today He wants you to receive, to KNOW, that you are righteousness. How? For His name’s sake! He places His name on it. He declares it by His name! His name is worth nothing if it is not true! As solid as His name is so is your righteousness in Him. He guarantees it by His word and His name is the Word. Do you see?
Listen! ‘He made Him (that is, Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.’ This is a vital key. Today as you meet with God in His meeting place, through Psalm 23, I want us all to stand and declare in truth, ‘I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST.’ God’s word says so; Jesus name guarantees it; in this truth, beloved, you are WORTHY!
Have a great day!


‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…’ [Psalm 23: 4]
I hope you remember we are taking a journey together through the tabernacle and through Psalm 23. The tabernacle you can read about in the book of Exodus.
We are at the laver, the place of washing. Before us is a veil, the entry into the Holy Place, into the tent of meeting, the meeting place with God. At this point I need to encourage you in your journey. God calls you friend. You have received Him at the altar of burnt offering. He is restoring you. He has shown you that you are righteous in Him, not in yourself, but in the person of Jesus alone. Because of Him you are a friend of God. Jesus declared, ‘No longer do I call you slaves, for a slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made know to you.’ Are you excited? You are meeting with God; you are worthy to be there because of Jesus. Whereas this was only the domain of the priest under the covenant of Law you are the priest in Christ. You are worthy to be there!
There is a veil to pass through into the Holy Place. Do you remember Jesus when He was baptised in Jordan? This is found in Luke 3. God declared, “This is My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” This is like you having received the truth of the word that you are righteous. You are beloved! Therefore, you are worthy! What happens next? Jesus is tempted and passes through the storm. Satan, the tempter, immediately drops the word ‘beloved’ when he says to Jesus, ‘If You are the Son of God…’ Satan does the same to you. He does not want you to believe you are righteous; he does not want you to know you are loved; he does not want you to receive your worth…I speak every time of Jesus…Satan does not want you to receive Him. To pass through this veil is to step into the Holy Place of the tabernacle. Beloved, declare with Jesus the word that you have received at the laver. Say with Jesus to the enemy, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” [Matthew 4: 4] Invoke the Word, silence the enemy! Step through.
Don’t give up on this journey. This is the place of faltering but wonder awaits. Trust me, better still, trust Him…step through.
Have a great day.


‘Then I will give her her vineyards from there, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope. And she will sing there as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.’ [Hosea 2: 15]
Achor means trouble, or valley of trouble. In our journey we encounter the valley of the shadow of death, the valley of trouble, Achor. But what does God say? He says He will make your valley of trouble a door of hope. He says He will give you your vineyards from here.
How does He do this?
He says to you step through His door of hope.
Who is this?
Jesus says, ‘Not only am I your Good Shepherd, I am also the door of the sheepfold.’ In John 10: 7, 9 Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep…if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.’ Can you see the vineyard? Can you also see that entering in to the Holy Place, the tent of meeting is a place we can enter in, and enter in, and enter in, and we will find pasture. It is a green place; there is much grass there. Jesus wants you to sit down, as He did with the 5000. It is a grassy place. All were filled at the provision of His hand, and there were twelve baskets of fragments left over. Can you see the amazing blessing of the gift of Jesus? But to receive we must enter in. Enter in to what? Enter in to Him, enter in at your point of meeting, He is our Way. Yes it may be a valley of trouble through which you enter because there is an enemy who will do anything to prevent you from entering in and meeting with God but step through anyway! ‘…know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.’ [Romans 8: 28]
You are called. He calls you to step into His Holy Place. He loves you so and He so wants to meet with you. He has much He wants to show you and share with you because you are His friend. Step through, He is the Door, He is also the Shepherd. Because of His shed blood you are made righteous and worthy to step through. I speak of Jesus. He is everything. Step through into the vineyard and sing as you sang in your youth, when you first came up out of Egypt. Sing as you did when you first encountered Him at the altar of burnt offering. Sing.
Have a great day.


‘I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.’ [Psalm 23: 4]
There are many things to share here but I will encourage you with this as you step through the veil.
·         As you step through with me on this journey you will, in fact, be unveiled. Be expectant!
·         As you step through fear nothing! Jesus is with you. He declares that He will never leave you, or forsake you [Hebrews 13: 5]. He says to you all that He says in John 16 and He completes it with the greatest statement; ‘These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.’ ‘If God is for us, who is against us?’ [Romans 8: 31] God is surely for us, He proved that in the giving of His Son.
Also we have the rod and the staff. You know, many people believe that both are for us, the Jesus people. The staff is for us, but the rod is not. A shepherd uses his staff to guide. We have a guide. He is our partner. He works through the word to guide us and lead us. He discloses the things of our Shepherd, including His voice. He gives us the ability to hear Him and speak His language. When we speak His language we are confident we pray the will of God. We know His voice because the Holy Spirit discloses Him to us. It is through Him that we can call out, “Abba! Father!” He is our staff.
But what of the rod? Many, sadly, believe that He also beats us into subjection. NOT SO! The enemy may try to have you believe that the sickness you may experience is from God, but it is a lie. Many believe that the horrors and atrocities of this world can be laid at the feet of God but this is not true. God does not use the rod on His beloved people. (All these things have their source in the choice of mankind, and mankind’s alignment in rejecting God with the ministry of death, the ministry of satan.) Jesus bore the full brunt of the rod on our account, please believe me. He wants us to receive this absolute truth. ‘He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.’ [2 Corinthians 5: 21] To be made sin means He bore the awful penalty of it…why? For our righteousness! Having received this truth the rod is no longer ours instead it is turned to beat off those that would assail us.  In Genesis 3: 24, when man sinned, an angel, with a flaming sword, was assigned to guard the way to the tree of life. When we receive Life, that flaming sword is turned to guard our way. What a beautiful, wonderful thing!
We have a partner who guides with His staff and protects us with His rod. Do not fear. Jesus is with you. Step through the veil; be unveiled. This is the road to freedom!
Have a great day.


‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…’ [Psalm 23: 5]
This journey we are taking together through the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, through Psalm 23 just gets better and better, if it were possible to improve on Jesus, which it is not.
We enter the Holy Place. (Do you remember my analogy of the prison? We are nearing the outer wall of the prison. Close before us are the final, imposing prison gates and they are opening to allow us to pass!) The glories of this meeting place are too wonderful to describe adequately; please forgive me. My only comfort is that my Partner will reveal all things of Jesus to you. This is His mission. Praise the Lord.
There are many things to share from what is before us but there is no space here. (Already I am told my posts are too long!) Here we find wonderful, vital keys to meeting with God. Meeting with God is true freedom.
Before us is a table, the table of showbread. You can read of this in Exodus 25 and 40 and of the bread placed on it in Leviticus 24. There is much that can be received here but for us today, I believe, it points to a key; the Lord’s Supper. In our churches today this New Covenant feast is almost consigned to a place of obscurity, celebrated once a month or less, and then often almost as an afterthought.
The Lord’s Supper is a key meeting place with God. I take it every day. See Acts 2: 42 – 47. 1 Corinthians 11: 26 says, ‘For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim The Lord’s death until He comes.’ We take it as a means of remembering but God’s word says it is a proclamation! Many times in the Old Testament when the children of Israel were faced with the enemy they would offer a lamb as a burnt offering and the battle would turn for them. It is no different for us. When we proclaim the Lord’s death in the Lord’s Supper the battle is ours! We don’t proclaim His death by getting Him to die again, we proclaim it by taking the Lord’s Supper. Every time you take it you proclaim that the Lord’s death avails for you, that His judgement and punishment means you will not be judged and punished, that His resurrection declares that death is defeated and victory is yours. The table is prepared in the presence of your enemies because when you take it the enemy trembles! See Colossians 2: 15.
There is much to say. We could speak of the fact that His body was striped for your healing. We could speak of His blood shed for your righteousness. We could talk of your health, healing and wholeness declared in the truth of the Lord’s Supper. We could speak of the fact that here is the feast of the New Covenant.
Let me finish with this. In a Jewish wedding ceremony, I am told the groom will take the cup of wine and offer it to his bride. In this act he is offering her to share in his life. As she takes it and drinks she is agreeing that his life is hers. Jesus offers His life to us and as we drink we agree that His life is ours. What wonder! What glory! His life is ours. He is Life. ‘He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life…For My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.’ [John 6: 54 – 56]
There is so much more to share. In the Holy Place we meet with God in the Lord’s Supper, we receive Him. You can receive Him in this key at any time. You can do so now.
Have a great day. 


 ‘You have anointed my head with oil...’ [Psalm 23: 5]
Over the last few days we have been journeying together through the tabernacle with David as a guide in Psalm 23, meeting with God. I hope by now that maybe you have taken the time to read of the tabernacle in the latter chapters of the book of Exodus, and also spent some time meditating on Psalm 23. Washing at the laver is a beautiful thing that I love to do every day.
If you have looked into the tabernacle you will agree that one thing that is obvious about this place. There is a lot of oil in the place! Everything was anointed with oil. Oil was in included in offerings like the grain offering. Oil burnt in the lampstand, providing light, the other item that stands before you in the Holy Place. It burnt perpetually. There is much to say on this.
Then in Psalm 23 David has arrived at the anointing.
Oil speaks of the Holy Spirit. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in meeting with God? Oh, such a role! At another time I was encouraged to believe that the Holy Spirit was like an interchange player but can I tell you He is definitely a starting player in the team!
I have spoken in the past of John 16 where Jesus reveals the Helper, the Comforter, and His role to take of Christ and disclose Him to us. Jesus goes on to say that all things of the Father are His and the Holy Spirit takes these things and discloses them to us. There is so much to say! If we believe in Jesus He indwells us (Ezekiel 36: 27, John 14: 17, Romans 8: 9, 1 Corinthians 3: 16, 1 John 2: 27); He is poured out upon young and old (Joel 2: 28); He is given by Jesus (Matthew 3: 11); He is the 'good gift' of our Father (Luke 11: 13); Through Him we are the light of the world (Matthew 5: 14) as He empowers us (Acts 1: 8); He guides into all truth (John 16: 13); He gives life (John 6: 63, Romans 8: 11, 2 Corinthians 3: 6, 1 Peter 3: 18); He intercedes for us and speaks through us if we allow Him (Romans 8: 26 - 27); He abides forever, brings to remembrance Christ's words, testifies concerning Christ, convicts the world of sin and guides into all truth (John 14: 16, 14: 26, 15: 26, 16: 7 - 8, 16: 13) As I said, so much to say! Definitely not a bench player and essentially a key in meeting with God! I am convinced in our journey to freedom He is key.
I mentioned the grain offering. If you read Leviticus 2: 1 you see it is an offering of fine flour with oil poured upon it. It speaks of Jesus in His humanity. He became man by emptying Himself of His god-ness (Philippians 2: 7) and so as He began His earthly ministry he was anointed by the Holy Spirit (John 1: 33). He was anointed to bring God's blessing to us. He speaks vividly of this in Luke 4: 18. Beloved, you have been anointed if you have received Jesus; the Bible says so. Read 1 John 2: 27. You are anointed for the same reason as Jesus! But how do we release the anointing to bless others? Is it in our long prayers or maybe our ability to keep the law? Maybe in some other thing? No to all these things!
It is much simpler than that. The answer is a person, His name is Jesus. He is the release. His name is the key. Faced with any situation His name is the key. Romans 10: 13 says 'whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.' His name is above every name!
I will finish this very long post here. Song of Solomon 1 : 3 - 4 the virgins are speaking, they represent us the church and they say of Jesus, "Your oils have a pleasing fragrance, Your name is like purified oil, therefore the maidens love you. Draw me after you and let us run together!"
We are running together to freedom. Receive the Spirit. He is key. Tomorrow, your cup overflows!
Have a great day.


‘…my cup overflows.’ [Psalm 23: 5]
We have been journeying through Psalm 23 into the tabernacle of the Old Testament. This might seem a strange combination but both have been in my meditation for a long time and when we seek the presence of God He reveals Himself everywhere, in everything, because He is everything. I believe He reveals Himself to bring glory to His name, for He alone is worthy, and to declare His purpose for us. The life He offers is a life of purpose.
We are anointed. The moment we believe in Jesus He indwells us by His Spirit. His Spirit discloses Him to us. He does this as He leads us to the pinnacle of His desire and plan for us, and we draw closer and closer in our meditation. I hope that you will see it when we arrive. The Holy Place, also called the tent of meeting, has a lot of oil. Oil, as we have already seen, represents the Spirit of God, God the Holy Spirit. Over flow is associated with the outpouring of the Spirit. As we receive Him overflow is inevitable; over flow into our lives and overflow out of our lives.
The presence of God, meeting with Him, is a flood. It flows out from Him and as we immerse ourselves as we enter into His presence, as we receive our Partner who discloses God to us, as we enter into that flow up to our ankles, up to our knees, up to our waist, and over our head and the Word says ‘everything will live where the river goes.’ See Ezekiel 47. The overflow of His Life is a supply ‘according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.’ The overflow is graphically displayed in the five loaves and two fish which satisfied all with twelve baskets of fragments left over. The overflow of His grace, His favour, His blessing, His life, His salvation reaching into every aspect of our lives, the overflow of the fullness of Deity which dwells in Jesus in bodily form and in whom, the Bible says, ‘you have been made complete.’ [Colossians 2: 9 – 10] Can I ask, do you think it is worth meeting with God? Is ‘completeness’ by God’s definition something that is of appeal to you? It is to me! The Bible clearly says that He loves you; do you not think that He favours those He loves? Absolutely!
Overflow in and overflow out. I often say that when we get filled up with Him we cannot do anything but ooze Him. Filled with Jesus we will leak Jesus because He is so big we cannot contain Him. Encouraged to be missional as we receive Him we cannot contain ourselves from being missional. Encouraged to be loving and compassionate as we receive Him we cannot contain ourselves from oozing love and compassion. Encouraged to be Christlike as we receive Him we cannot restrain ourselves from exhibiting Christ-likeness. Encouraged to love the Lord with all our hearts, soul, minds and strength the only way we can ever achieve this is to receive Jesus and His love. As we receive Him we will ooze love because He first loved us. [1 John 4: 19] Jesus loves you, He filled you with Himself the moment you believed and filled with Him we cannot not be Him. He is big, and wonderful, and dynamic, and irrepressible, and dramatic, and all-powerful, and all-loving, and completely missional, and He is the healer, and the One who blesses, and the One who favours. I could go on and on. Fill up with Jesus, disclosed to us by His Spirit, and you will overflow Him. Jesus said, “…Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in a well of water springing up to eternal life.” [John 4: 14]
We have entered into His presence. Recognise the oil, His Spirit, as He is key in the overflow of all that God has purposed in His grace, mercy and love. Receive Him, receive His work to disclose Christ to you, recognise that herein is completeness for you. Seek His presence and join with me next time as we see the third article of furniture in the Holy Place, the meeting place with God.
Have a great day.


‘Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life…’ [Psalm 23: 6]
As we step through the veil of the Holy Place we see the table of showbread, the lampstand and ahead the Altar of Incense. Now for the high priest of the Old Testament ahead was also a heavy veil that covered the entry to the Holy of Holies, the most holy place; most holy because here dwelt the presence of God, the shekinah glory, covered because no man could look upon God and live. I’m not sure whether the altar of incense lay beyond this veil or outside this veil but it matters not because we are taking this journey this side of the cross and as Jesus declared His finished work the veil was torn in two from top to bottom. The way was made open in the shed blood of Jesus, and we, as priests, are made worthy and welcome to enter into the presence of God purified and accepted in the person and finished work of Jesus. I hope you can see that as we have taken this journey through Psalm 23 into the tabernacle that everything points to one person only, the person of Jesus Himself. It’s not about us beloved, it is about Him.
Now, the altar of incense; incense was burnt on this altar perpetually. It was part of the priest’s duty to burn incense on this altar morning and night. Incense speaks of praise. As we enter into the presence of God we ‘enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise’ [Psalm 100: 4]. But what is the perfume of the incense, what is the aroma that we present in our praise? What is the subject matter of our praise? What do we present as we meet with God? Do we present ourselves? Or do we, perhaps, present our good works? Or maybe we present our love for God? No! We present Jesus. He is our offering of praise! He is our praise for it is in Him we have our worth and our acceptance, our righteousness is Him alone. And He follows us. I remember when I was a boy I used to love campfires (still do). Have you noticed how the campfire smoke seems to follow you? On a still day no matter where you move the smoke seems to find you! Jesus is the smoke of the glory of God, the aroma of God and He follows you all the days of your life!
And, I believe, here the Lord has given us another key, a key I will call the Victory Call of the believer. We hear of the fall of the wall of Jericho [Joshua 6] and we hear of the story of David and Goliath [1 Samuel 17] and we hear of the great victory that God wrought for Jehoshaphat [2 Chronicles 20] and all these stories involved shouting. The Israelites shouted and the wall came down. David smote Goliath and the army shouted. ‘Those who sang’ were sent out at the head of the army of Jehoshaphat and as they went out they called out. I don’t believe their shouts were indiscriminate. In the case of Jericho I don’t believe mere sound waves brought down the wall despite what scientific research might suggest. I believe the people were intentional in their shout and so it was what they shouted rather than the fact that a large group of people shouted that was the important factor. The same with the army at the valley of Elah; the army shouted as the giant fell and, I believe, the story of Jehoshaphat gives us the key; as does another Psalm of David, as does this Psalm that we have been considering.
Please take you Bible and read these three stories and then read Psalms 105 – 108 and see the victory call of the people and then stand with me at the altar of incense, in the presence of God and give Him the glory by burning His incense and declaring His praise in the call of victory…
‘I give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love, His mercy, His grace endure forever and ever’
I must just point one thing out so we are all clear. What is His love and His mercy and His grace? These things are not mere ideas or teachings or theology; these are a person and His name is JESUS.
I rejoice that I can go on and give thanks….for me, for my family, for WTL, for the families of WTL…you can add yourself and your life here too.
This is our victory call, the rising aroma of the person of Jesus and His finished work, the great work of God.
Shout it out; it is your victory call, it declares the aroma of Jesus, it burns the incense that is to be burnt perpetually as a sweet aroma, pleasing to God. This is the only accepted offering – JESUS – He is the only way, He is the only truth, He is the only life. He is the perfume that we burn as we meet with God. This is our offering of praise, JESUS, nothing else. Bring Him, in Him you are accepted and joyfully received as you meet with God.
Have a great day.


 ‘And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’ [Psalm 23: 6]
And so here we are…if this were a mountain this would be the mountaintop. (In actual fact this is a mountain, it is Mount Zion!) If this were a promised land this is the Promised Land. (It is the Promised Land!) If this were Heaven this is heaven come to earth. If this were the greatest place the earth has to offer it would fade into insignificance for this is the presence of God, this is the meeting place with God, this is the holiest of holies, this is the house of the Lord and I for one want to stay right here. This is the culmination of our journey. Using the analogy of the prison we have walked through the gates into the sunshine of the freedom of Christ because ‘if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.’ [John 8: 36]
What is before us as we have now entered the Holy of Holies and as we have arrived at Psalm 23: 6, the latter part? Before us is the Ark of the Covenant. It is a golden box in which were three items; the tablets of the law, representing man’s rejection of God’s law, there was Aaron’s rod that budded, representing man’s rejection of God’s priesthood and there was a jar containing manna, representing man’s rejection of God’s provision. Over the ark, and covering man’s rejection of God is the mercy seat over which are the two cherubim, one at each end with ‘their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another…’ [Exodus 25: 20]
Now I want to direct you to another scene. Jesus, the Son of God, a man approved and attested by miracles and wonders and signs [Acts 2: 22] was delivered by the predetermined plan of God and was nailed to a cross and there as He hung He bore in His body the penalty of our rejection of God. As He hung there He bore our sin and when He had satisfied the demands of the Law of a righteous and holy God He gave up His life. Death had no claim on Him but He freely gave it up because the ‘wages of sin is death.’ As He gave up His spirit He cried, “IT IS FINISHED” and in that moment the way was made for you and me to reach God, to come in to the presence of God. In that moment the veil of the temple, the veil of the tabernacle that was entered only once a year with blood was torn in two as Jesus went in with His own blood and was accepted on our account and so we have freedom and are welcomed with a kiss, robe, ring and sandals by the Father, God Himself; received in the efficacy of the person of Jesus. Oh, hallelujah! If you never have before receive Him now, right where you are! Please read with me. ‘But Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping; and as she wept, she stooped and looked into the tomb; and she beheld two angels in white sitting, one at the head, and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying.’ [John 20: 11 – 12]
Can you see it? Here is the mercy seat! Here is the meeting place with God. Here is the fulfilment of the mercy seat of the tabernacle. When Moses had completed the construction of the tabernacle Exodus 40: 34 says ‘Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.’ Beloved, because of the mercy seat of Jesus the way is open to you. I don’t know how many times I can say it; He is our way, our truth, our life. Jesus is the place we meet with God. He is the glory of God.
I will complete this tomorrow.
Have a great day.


‘And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’ [Psalm 23: 6]
Psalm 27, I believe, is the Holy of Holies. Oh, yes, a glorious day will come when we will enter in to the presence of God but I believe that in His radical grace we can enter in to the promised land and take possession of it now. And this is the place. This is where we are to dwell. We have complicated our ‘life’ in so many ways by making and teaching our own way based in strategy, effort and work, and the strength of our faith, and the efficacy of our belief when it has nothing to do with any of that. Listen. David has spent his life surrounded by enemies from within and without. He has endured more storms than most and he has stepped through the veil. He arrives here at the mercy seat, at the meeting place with God, in the presence of God and he can say, ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? ...One thing I have asked from the Lord, that shall I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me; and I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.’ [Psalms 27: 1, 4 – 6]
This is the key of David. [Revelation 3: 7]
I have spent many hours considering the seated place of Ephesians 2. And as I have considered Mary and her choice of the good part at the feet of Jesus. [Luke 10: 42] I have sought and sought Him even when all appeared to be against me. Every day I have received Him in the Lord’s Supper. I have heard Him say, ‘My peace I leave with you’ and I have received it. And He has brought me to His banqueting house and His banner over me is love. [Song of Solomon 2: 4] He has taken me lame in both my feet and seated me at the King’s table. [2 Samuel 9: 13] He says to me sit down, it is a grassy place. [John 6: 10] He says feast on Me, take my body and My blood; eat and drink. [John 6: 53] He says step away from your strategy, step away from the institution that worship has become and see Me. Look at Me. He says, ‘Trust in Me with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Me in the meeting place. I will make your paths straight.’ [Proverbs 3: 5 – 6] This is it. This is the mountaintop. This is the promised land. This is Zion. This is breakthrough. This is freedom. This is healing. This is wholeness. This is salvation. This is righteousness. This is favour. This is grace. This is it. JESUS. He is the pinnacle. Sit and rest. He says, Receive Me here in the holy of holies. Sit at the mercy seat where God dwells. Congratulations you have reached the mountain top.
I will dwell here in the house of the Lord. Here I will behold the beauty of the Lord. Here I will meditate. Here He will conceal me. Here He will hide me. Here He will lift me up on a rock and my head will be lifted up above my enemies and I will praise Him.
I praise you my Lord and My God. Your Love, Mercy and Grace endure forever and ever and ever.
‘The grace of our Lord Jesus be with your all. Amen.’ [Revelation 22: 21]
These are just my thoughts…I have many more and I know that as you sit in the presence of the Lord He, by His disclosing Spirit, will reveal more to you. Try it; there is no better place to be. Recently I was thinking of Solomon and how he asked God for wisdom. My thoughts then went to the prayer of Paul in Ephesians 1 where he prays that God ‘may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.’ Many smart and studious people have knowledge of Him but they miss the revelation in the knowledge of Him. This is the work of the Spirit who indwells the believer and is ‘Christ in us, the hope of glory.’ My prayer is that these thoughts will lead you to journey to the holiest place, the place of purpose and life, to the presence of God and you will sit round God’s centrepiece, Jesus Christ, and bathe in the revelation of our Partner of the knowledge of Him. He wants you to draw near. When you draw near you will find He is near to you and wants to reveal Himself to you. God bless you all.
Have a great day! Have a great life!


An afterword...

‘…to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.’ [Psalm 27: 4]
A few years ago I read a book. I liked the book. It’s not important that you know the title and author. It made a parallel of the Christian journey with climbing a mountain. The mountaintop was knowing the love of God. The mountaintop was Ephesians 3: 14 – 19 and the author was correct.
However, I believe that there is a higher peak.
The journey begins with believing. We believe in Jesus. He is the way.
We receive. Unless we receive His righteousness and declare it we will never journey further. You must receive it and declare it for unless you receive His worth you will never receive His love for you. Many people believe but they never receive.
They never receive His peace. Shalom. Jesus said to His disciples that He was going away. They didn’t understand and, no doubt, they grieved but He said that this was necessary so the Helper would come. This is our Partner. He plays an important role. Many leave Him on the interchange bench when He should be in the starting lineup. He reveals Jesus and Jesus is our peace. In fact He is the Prince of Peace. This peace is not as the world gives. It is shalom. Here is a link to see the meaning of shalom.
Peace says I won’t worry about today because God has it in hand. Peace says I won’t worry about tomorrow because my God is the god of tomorrow. Peace says I will trust in the Lord with all my heart, I will lean not on my own understanding. I will acknowledge Him (I will behold His beauty) in all my ways knowing He will make my paths straight’ [Proverbs 3: 5 – 6] Peace says ‘seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added to you.’ Receive His peace. Rest in it. Sit down in the grassy place. [John 6: 10] This is where life isn’t what we are doing but what we see our Partner doing. Shalom.
And then we arrive at the mountaintop. What is the mountaintop?
To behold His beauty and to meditate in His temple.
This is the ultimate. This is the pinnacle. This is where we just see Him. This is my dwelling place.
How about you?
Have a great day.

Graeme Shephard
12th September, 2014

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