Friday, May 15, 2015

The Grace House

I want to share something with you all.

I first began this blog post some months ago, but only wrote the first line, but the Lord has goaded me today to remind me that it is time to write for He is removing the obstacles .

This morning I shared in my (almost) daily Facebook post this scripture.
' "...But he who takes refuge in Me will inherit the land and will possess My holy mountain." And it will be said, "Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstacle out of the way of My people." For thus says the high and exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy...' [Isaiah 57: 13 -15]
The Lord is removing the obstacles and one of those obstacles has been me!
This is very important and I respectfully request that you read and then pray.

What I share is something that has sat in me for a long time and I believe the time is right to loudly proclaim it.
I believe that the Lord requires me to open my mouth and proclaim the things He has promised.
He desires that His promise be lifted up because lifted up all men will be drawn to Him. [John 12: 32]
Jesus is the promise and 'He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.' [Colossians 1: 17] Another version says that all things consist in Him, things that have no substance, yet, already CONSIST in Him.

What I want to share with you is the Grace House.
It was the 29th April 2005; ten years ago.
I was in Cambodia. It was night and I was sleeping.
As I slept the Lord showed me something.
When I awoke I recorded it in my journal as follows.
It came like a bullet-point presentation from God.
This is what I wrote in 2005.
'The Lord gave me a vision. A parcel of land. An orphanage. An old people's home. A hospital. A school. A church. The gospel is preached. People are gathered in. The connections are being prepared. My role? To administer Jesus.'
The next night the Lord showed me the building. In plan view as it lay on the ground it was in the shape of a cross; a crucifix lying on the ground. It was surrounded by a wall. The main gate had an arch over the gateway. Written on the arch were the words of Jesus, 'Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.' Within the walls were gardens where people walked and children played. The gardens had the beautiful sugar palm, so indicative of Cambodia, but also flowers and trees, with places to sit in the shade.The elderly shared their wisdom with the children, the sick recovered and were ministered to, children received education and the place was a haven of rest. The sick were ministered to in the hospital. The elderly with no-where to go had a place to live and meet together. Disadvantaged and abandoned children, some orphans, lived and played. A school provided education and future for the residents but also for the street children who came to receive the goodness of the Lord. The centre of the crucifix was a church, not a place of religion but a place dispensing grace. All will gather there, released prisoners will come, members of the armed forces will come, families will come, the elderly and the children, the rich and the poor, the important and the humble - all will come and all will be welcome. All will find the only answer worth finding, and they will find ministry to their needs and desire. Everybody who comes to the Grace House will receive good news of Life - His name is JESUS. Please understand this - WTL have no interest in establishing religion in Cambodia, our only interest is to bring LIFE and the Grace House is a kingdom-building, life-giving, grace-providing place that will be seen not only in Cambodia but will be a beacon of Hope to the world for from this place Jesus will be administered to the world. A flag will be raised here that respects Cambodia and her people but declares that 'JESUS is LORD.'

The building itself showed respect to the tradition of Cambodian buildings in its design. I was in Cambodia in 2006 and I drove past a building and my heart skipped a beat because it was much as I had seen, even the colouring was the same. I had to take a photo of it. Here it is.

And then, a year or two ago I was driving in Phnom Penh and I saw a wall and over the wall was a tree. The wall enclosed a large block of vacant land in Phnom Penh. I have no idea who owns the land, or what it is for, but it is unusual to see large vacant land in PP and I felt my spirit quicken as I saw it because I thought 'here is our land.' I mentioned a tree; I could see a tree over the wall. WTL has a logo, it is the tree of Life. It is watered by the spring of the Holy Spirit, that never-ending flow of God - LIFE. WTL means 'Way, Truth, Life' for the centre of all we are is Him, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus Christ our Lord. [John 14: 6]

I could write at great length for I have 'seen' this building in my heart for ten years now. When I received the vision I asked the Lord what my role would be and His reply was, "YOU WILL ADMINISTER JESUS."
The Mission Statement of WTL is to 'show the love of Christ in word and deed' - and to 'Bring freedom to the people through radical Grace.' - and this building will be the 'doing' of those things but if you want a 'reason' for this building then the only one I can give you here is just this - to 'administer JESUS.' From this place Jesus will be administered to the world. They said of Jesus 'can any good thing come out of Nazareth?' They may say of Cambodia 'can any good thing come out of Cambodia' but the Lord has shown us that this little Asian country, that has seen so much death, from it will come LIFE, real life and it will be a light to the world in the darkness of last days before the Lord comes. He is the answer.

So how will this happen? I do not know but the Lord tells me that this is not my question to ask. That question is His. The cost to build this building is beyond me but it is not beyond the 'riches in glory in Christ Jesus [Philippians 4: 19] so I place that question there for I do know this that He has already provided all that is required and it is out is provided in you.
If you would like to chat more about this I am always ready to hear from you. My contact is via the website or you can email me at

Graeme Shephard
14th May, 2015

1 comment:

  1. The cost to build this building is beyond me but it is not beyond the 'riches in glory in Christ Jesus [Philippians 4: 19] so I place that question there for I do know this that He has already provided all that is required and it is out there...
