Friday, May 1, 2015

The modus operandi of Love...who is our mother?

These are just thoughts...not a definitive document, just beginning thoughts. I can see a sunrise, the first rays of a new day have crested the horizon of my life. I am excited. I need to write because that provides me with an outlet. I have no other, no one I can unload on, so writing is my only pressure release. I say pressure release, not a bad pressure but a pressure like something immense that cannot be contained; I can identify with Jeremiah when he said,
'But if I say, "I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name," then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones: and I am weary of holding it in and I cannot endure it.' [Jeremiah 20: 9]
 I wrote in my journal this morning...
'God is the source of love but its essence is the love of the Father. A father’s love is God’s love in operation.'
God is love but the modus operandi of His love is the love of a father. He is our Dad. Jesus came to introduce Him and when He did He said, "Let me introduce your Father." Not God, but yes God, but the Father. He is God but He wants you to know Him as Father. The immensity, and it is incredibly immense, of this is just dawning. It's something I have known but I am only just beginning to 'see' it - like the dawning of a new day. Days have dawned before but no day like this day. It's funny but only a few days ago I was think of Aragorn. My family loves the 'Lord of the Rings', the great books of  J. R. R. Tolkein and the movies that have been made directed by Peter Jackson - great stories full of meaning. Lord of the Rings people will know some of the great quotes but recently, for some reason, I was thinking of one from Aragorn. Aragorn has led his armies to the black gates and as the enemy comes full of bluff Aragorn says,
"Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"
This is the day. This day we fight. This day I bid you stand. This day we stand in the immensity of truth - the Father's love. We have a father and His name is GOD.

I am sure the revealing Spirit has much more to say about our Father but just now I feel constrained to speak about our mother. As I contemplated these things over the last twenty-four hours the Lord reminded me of a scripture in Luke 13.
Jesus speaking, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under wings, and you would not have it!" [Luke 13: 34]
We speak of the Father's love but what of our mother? Who is she?
We could think much on the love of mother's and as I observe my wife there is no love like that of a mother for her children. I will not begin to analyse it because I would fail dismally to even touch its magnitude or scope! The Bible shows a small picture of it in the gathering hen, gathering her chicks under her wings.
But if God is our father, who is our mother?
Jacob had two wives and many sons. One wife he was tricked into having, her name was Leah. She was very productive, she produced a great multitude. Leah's name means 'weary.' But Jacob loved Rachel. She only had two sons, Joseph and Benjamin, in fact, Rachel lost her life to produce Benjamin - wow! Can you see it?  Rachel's name means 'lamb.' Joseph saved the world, Benjamin received five times as much as his brothers. I could give you Bible references for all of this but better if you search it out for yourself. What does all this mean? How does it help us to see our mother?
Leah is Law. It is wearying to seek God via the 'doing' of the Law but many, a great multitude, pursue it - even Christians! Law demands! In Mark 4 when Jesus invited the disciples to go over to the other side, and when they got there they found freedom from the legion of demons of bondage, they left the multitude behind. To cross over from Law means leaving the multitude behind.
Rachel means 'lamb' and that is Jesus and He is Grace. Grace is our mother. Not grace, the spiritual fruit, but Grace the person of Jesus, the expression of the boundless, limitless favour of God. In our mother we have one brother, His name is Jesus, our Saviour (sozo salvation) and in Him, and Him alone, we are Benjamin who enjoys the five times more favour, this is the favour available to us when we have of Grace as our mother.

God is our Father but Grace is our mother.
Jacob was father to both Leah and Rachel's children and so it is possible to have God as our father but still have Law as our mother but our Father, through our brother, Jesus, is calling us to go over to the other side and meet with freedom and see our true mother, Grace.
'On that day, when evening came, He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd, they took Him along with them in their boat, just as He was...' [Mark 4: 35 - 36]
You make the choice to take Him along with you in your boat; He doesn't force you. You invite Him in and He comes 'just as He is.' How is He? He is Grace.

Jesus came and introduced you to His Father. He said in so many places, "Let Me introduce you to your Father..." We will undoubtedly see more of this as the sun of the new day rises.

But, I, also, have a role to play and this is the high calling of WTL. (I say that for the family members of WTL - your call is immense.)
So, today and tomorrow, I say to you through the words of this blog, and my Facebook posts, "Let me introduce you to your Mother, her name is Grace."

How you respond is up to you.

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