Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cambodia - An Afterword

I have been back in Australia only a few days and many people have asked me how it went...I am so sorry but I really find it very hard to's like describing the intricate details of a beautiful sunrise or the immensity and splendour of a flash of lightning!

We are so privileged to stand and watch Christ do His stuff at close quarters.

How do you describe that?

How do you describe the first smile of a little child who has only known the depravity and want of living on the rubbish dump when offered a gift, no strings attached?
How do you describe the moment when a boy of maybe six or seven is given a colouring pencil and a picture to colour and he doesn't know what to do? How do you describe his moment when a beautiful young Australian with a heart of hope sits down and takes the time to show him and praises his every move?
How do you describe a beautiful little girl who is overjoyed with her new backpack, the only one she will likely ever receive, but she wants a 'girl' one, pink, not a 'boy' one, do you describe her face when she receives the blessing of God upon her tiny life?
How do you describe a group of children who want to learn and who are on the very edge of their seats as they are taught a few rudimentary rules of English grammar by a big Australian larrikin with a heart of peace and joy and they lap it up and his praise for their every attempt like it is very food for their souls?
How do you describe a group of children who are expecting some white strangers to arrive and are overjoyed to spend a day playing ball, painting, doing all sorts of other activities and then when they leave they leave all the stuff behind?
How do you describe the joy of a group of boys who receive full football strip, and a ball, and even a pump to pump it up with, and the gift comes with no strings attached?
How do you describe a small girl with great need being touched and loved by a beautiful brown haired Australian girl with tears in her eyes and a heart bursting with compassion who takes her hands and breathes into her the very breath of God in prayer?
How do you describe precious deprived children receiving exercise books, pencils and even an eraser for them to keep?
How do you describe the face of a child receiving a beautifully decorated pencil case, full with stuff, which was made by a child in Australia?
How do describe the joy on the face of a woman pastor who in great want is ministering to dump children when she receives a pile of new, clean underwear for 'her' children because some family in Australia were inspired by God to provide them?
How do you describe young people whose lives have been changed eternally by thoughtful people far away who contribute by sponsoring via the Living Hope for Children Sponsorship Scheme or through the Emerging Leaders Sponsorship Program?
How do you describe a group of women who have gathered to share around the ministry of prayer and receive the arms of the Lord around them and the restoring, releasing, sight-giving, freedom-giving power of the Lord into their own lives, personally?
How do you describe a situation where you know you have twice as many children as you expected and that there is only enough meals for the original amount and you pass the problem to the Lord and every child gets a meal?
How do you describe a group of people who have never heard of Jesus being introduced to the One who loves them without end and is for them when all else is against them and they receive the revelation of the Holy Spirit and they rise as one to receive Him?
How do you describe a group of soldiers who stand in protection of their King and country but are unsure of who stands for them and they are able to rise as one and receive the One who will never leave them or forsake them?
How do you describe a man who comes forward to receive prayer and the ministry of the Lord for his chronic back problem and dances his way back to his chair swivelling his hips like Elvis?
How do you describe the man who can't move his little finger and we anoint it with anointing oil and receive the favour of an abundant God of Grace and he walks away moving a finger that did not move before?

I could go on and on and on.

However having said all that I know it is important that I convey to you in some way the blessing of the Lord to the people of Cambodia through you.
Last night I received a little report from our team in Cambodia. It gave some detail of the outcome of the 'celebrations', the gospel rallies (we decided we didn't like that word, too hard) and it is important that I share it with you.
It was my privilege to share Jesus with the people at fifteen separate celebrations.
The figures are:
  • 2844 people heard the gospel and were blessed and fed with a meal provided by the sponsors of Cambodia WTL.
  • 1825 precious people received Christ and many had never heard His name prior.
  • 632 Bibles in the Khmer language were distributed. 
So, how do you describe a God who loves us and wants us to receive from Him, who declares we are seated with Christ in the ultimate place of blessing, who wants us to understand the full awesome ramifications of the truth that this is the Day of Grace, the day of the favour of the Lord?
How do you describe a God who wants to bless the people with His salvation and His immense grace and He chooses to work through us? Through me? It just astounds me!
How can I describe to you the partnership that He has formed, the brother He has given me, the immense life of purpose He has blessed me with?

I am so thankful.

God bless you all who made this a reality and I freely declare you partners with Christ in this immense and awesome ministry to a funny little country in Asia that no one thinks much about but over which God is raising His banner declaring 'Jesus is Lord.'

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