Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cambodia - Wednesday 3rd October 2012

Luke 4: 19 talks of the year of the favour of the Lord.
We are in it.
The ministry of the Lord through WTL is seeing favour increase as we open our 'eyes' and see His abundant grace.
Over the past few years the Lord has gradually opened the way for us to connect with the Cambodian Army and we have visited and shared the gospel of His Grace with many soldiers and seen many receive Jesus. We have visited five different military bases and have ministered in both word and deed. All of these establishments are in the north of the country on the border with Thailand. There has been, and is still significant tension between Thailand and Cambodia around the ownership of a temple which is in Cambodian territory but to which Thailand lay claim.
If you have been following our adventures then you will know that on Sunday last we visited a base at Pailin.
Last week we were contacted by the commander of another base who was keen for us to come and visit and while we at first felt to decline the Lord provided from His bounty the resources to go and so it was arranged for today. I was not aware until I arrived but He had favoured us and we had been invited to visit the Region 5 Headquarters in Battambang. This base is the regional command for all the bases situated in Battambang, Pursat, Pailin and Banteay Meanchey Provinces. The commander here oversees all bases that are situated along the 367 kilometre border with Thailand which they are commissioned to defend.
The purpose of our invitation was for the General to acknowledge and thank us for our ministry to the five bases we have visited thus far and to ensure us that all the bases in the Region 5 area are open to us. The General most graciously acknowledged what we have contributed in partnership with AFCI Cambodia, thanking us and encouraging us to continue. We are so blessed. This is the Lord's favour!
Can I tell you that under any other circumstances it would take many months to receive approval to visit a military base and the request would in most cases be denied.
So, today we preached the gospel of Jesus to maybe one hundred and fifty or more soldiers at the regional headquarters and rejoice to tell you that many received Jesus. We were so happy to be able to minister also in deed by supplying generators, water filters and mosquito nets to provide some protection for the health of the country's defenders but the best thing was to be able to share The Defender who will stand for each individual man and woman who have received Him today.
God is so good.
We shared the story of Naaman who had great need and baulked at doing the simple thing that the man of God asked him to do. It is a simple thing to trust Jesus and so often we baulk at the simplicity but praise God many on this trip have thrown aside the restraint and decided to simply trust Him. What a joy to be able to assure them that when they reach out to Him He comes and He will never, never leave them and He will never forsake them.
The commander had requested that we receive from them a sash and medal in recognition of the work we have done but we respectfully declined. We felt that to receive this, while it would be an incredible honour, was sending the wrong message. We do not seek the accolade of men and we do not want to even dally with the possible perceived idea that we follow Christ in this mission for the earthly recognition and potential power that this may bring. I think of Paul, the great missionary, who declares in Philippians that he forgets what lies behind and reaches forward to what lies ahead. He says...
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3: 14
...and as he approached the imminent end of his life he could say...
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord,the righteous Judge, will award me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing." 2 Timothy 4: 7 - 8
 It is better to travel the path that will not have any possibility of causing another to stumble.

We rejoice in the call of God and the blessed opportunity to share Christ with the beloved people of Cambodia.
We bless you all who have supported us.
Thank you so much in Jesus name.

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