Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cambodia - Centre of Peace Home

On Monday 24th September 2012 the team of Katie, Tilly, Peter and Fiona met for a day with the children at Centre of Peace Home in Phnom Penh.
WTL has been connected with the Centre of Peace for many years now and we have visited Bophal and her children many times. This trip we really felt a call to do more than just 'pop in' and so it was planned to hold a day long program of fun and laughter especially for the children. I want to acknowledge Katie who led this ministry and did a phenomenal job of conceiving and preparing the activities, and also Tilly, Peter and Fiona who used their awesome God-given gifts to connect with these beloved children.
Bophal is a phenomenal lady and I have long admired her. She first felt the 'call' to devote her life to caring for orphaned and disadvantaged children when she was a child herself and she has been faithful and true to this call and has truly brought up her 'children' to love Jesus and her home really is the 'centre of peace.' She has about 120 children and everyone I have taken to the home over the years have said the same things, "Bophal is amazing and the home truly is a centre of peace." The peace you experience is tangible, even in the midst of the joy and vibrancy of the children. Many a time I have visited Bophal to meet her newest child, some little tike who has been left, usually abandoned. The last time I visited there was a very small girl, she was nine but was very small for her age, who had been abandoned by her mother; her mother had connected with a new man and he demanded the child go. Truly, while it was no doubt heart-breaking for the child, she was better off because she was being abused and mistreated by her stepfather and now she was being 'bophaled' which is a joy to see.
So as I was not available to join the fun I have asked the team to write something for you about the day at Centre of Peace.

Katie writes...
'The Centre of Peace is truly that - a centre of peace. What a place! Bophal. What a woman! I hope and pray that I could be as gentle and strong as she is. She is gentle, loving, compassionate yet she is strong, she has a stell rod within her. She is a mother to them all and treats them that way. She is truly remarkable. These attributes are all represented and evident through the precious children that are under her care. We had a truly God-given, mind blowing day!
Creativity flowed through young hearts, minds and fingers as together, united as one, they created a banner of love for their centre. Complete with Jesus' name and, of course, an Angry Bird, this banner contained a sense of pride, togetherness and, of course, fun. Everyone enjoyed the craft and colouring-in, even sharing and making things for us, a sign of gratitude. It didn't matter that we ran out of biscuits, the icing was clearly delicious enough on its own. A likeness between themselves and me; eating chocolate out of a jar with a spoon/paddle pop stick - the simple pleasures! Ball games - another window of likeness opened, teamwork and a healthy competitiveness, laughter and giggles erupted and filled the building as games of captain ball and tunnel ball and 'duck, duck, goose' brought us together. The teaching of English stories and songs filled their faces and minds with wonder and interest. One of the most precious moments was when the boys received their footy jerseys and shorts - handed over, presented individually by Pete. What a moment!! The parachute provided laughter and joy. Perhaps the most precious moments to me were these; having a group of girls thank me and show me the love of Jesus by placing bracelets they had made around my wrist. Tears fell down my face, a sigh of awe. Seeing them receive and tuck into a 'special' meal, shocking and unbelievable yet good. Finally spending time with and praying for Bophal. Priceless. There are no words to describe that time. We left there exhausted but buzzing after what can only be described as a God-given, joyful day. Praise the Lord for Bophal, His goodness and His laughter and joy. How I wish Tim and Louise Eccleston could have been there. Thank You for that day Lord. Thank You!!!'

Fiona writes...

'We arrived at the Centre of Peace to find the children bright with joy and very welcoming. We were a tad timid at first because Bhopal was not there, she had ducked out before we arrived. Yet the children were not at all timid, they flocked around each one of us. I felt at first there was a language and cultural barrier between us but that was quickly broken down.
 It is amazing how universal some experiences are. Peter got out one of the balls and we simply started passing them around and immediately the language and cultural barrier was broken. The children broke into big smiles and giggles. We started sharing and playing with them and it was lovely to bond with them.
We started the official part of the day with Katie introducing us all and then Pete was meant to get up and lead the children in a song, however, he told me he actually had something else planned he wanted to try and he started telling he children a story. The story of Joshua and traveling across the river, he even got the children up and had them act out the story. It was beautiful to see God give him a word and him teach the children. We were all amazed as part of his team.
Then we taught the children the 'Jesus in the Boat song.' They were so beautiful, some of the boys were frowning they were concentrating so hard on repeating the words and actions perfectly.
Then we split off into groups to do painting the banner, craft and cookies and then also play with the parachute. During the activities the thing that struck me most was the sense of peace and love that was over the children at that centre. The older children helped to interpret all our instructions, without even being asked to do so. Then they painted and drew with such care, as though they knew that the activities they were doing were unique and precious. It was such a beautiful sight to see the older boys enjoying the craft. Tilly and Katie even saw one boy make a plate with the words I love you in a big heart; he obviously had a crush on someone somewhere. When the children were painting the banner they did so with such care and precision. It is clear they are very creative, which also made me sad to think that at times they do not have the opportunity to express their creativity. In our world, as children, we are told that we can do anything, dream big, live big. Yet these children, they have the dreams, but fulfilling them is almost a fairy tale.
After the formal activities we played the bottle game with the children and then duck duck goose. I was impressed to see the older students get involved, if only to bring the younger ones joy. What a wonderful heart they must have to play a children's game to help the younger ones to enjoy it even more. Teenagers in Australia would never be that selfless. Duck duck goose was a huge success, they giggled and laughed and screamed when it was close. I just felt so much joy being around those children.
Then we had to leave for lunch and to have a break. The children received a very large and special lunch, which was unusual for them. Bhopal was crying as she watched the children eat and enjoy their lunch. It meant a lot that we had brought that for them.
During our break we had a lovely time praying and reflecting on the time spent with the children. We shared a meal as a team and in doing so shared the ways the children had touched each of our hearts.
Going back after lunch was exciting and although tired, we were filled with a sense of anticipation at seeing them again. This time we started off with some games, tunnel ball, captain ball and red light green light. Tunnel ball was a great success. All the boys got on one team and they could not be beaten, they were so determined to win. They kept their legs spread out as far as they could, were as low to the ground as possible, and they pegged that ball down that tunnel of little legs to try and win. The joy on their faces, the final boy to bring home the ball to win leapt into the air as he came to the ground to finish. He threw his head back in joy, I swear that someone winning a gold medal could not have matched the joy on that young boys face!
After the ball games we had some free drawing and coloring in and chalk time. There was almost silence as the children diligently and ever so carefully coloured in the pictures. It was beautiful to see how gentle they were, it obviously meant a lot to them.  With the chalk it was not hard to see the love of God in those children as they all drew crosses, or Jesus or I love you so much. They have no family but are filled with love. How is that possible? I do believe Bhopal has done an amazing job teaching those children about Christ. They radiate God's love and favour.
By the end of the day we had been given many gifts, both tangible and intangible. The girls made bracelets for us all and one of the boys drew Pete a picture and wrote him a letter. One little girl had nothing to give and so gave me a box with feathers. Yet the intangible gifts are worth so much to us. We went there intending to show them God's love and give to them instead they taught us so much about God's joy, peace and love. They have nothing and yet they rejoice because of Jesus. They treat everyone they meet the same way Jesus would, with open arms. On top of all of that they taught us how to live content in Gods peace - who in Sydney or Cherrybrook can say they are content with God's peace? No one. Yet these orphaned children, who do not even have enough money for shampoo, they are content.
We will always remember them, especially those whom we have given nicknames. The 'collector' was the youngest in the group who just kept hoarding things all day, whether it be pencils, feathers or the AFL balls. Boss was Bhopal's son who kept all the other children in line, Felix was the boy with the amazing smile and Shrey Nit was the one with all the hugs and kisses for everyone.
God bless these children and keep them, for they are Yours and You love them.'

God bless you all who supported this day.

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