Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cambodia - Tuesday 2nd October 2012

Do I talk too much? Maybe! I tend to get carried away but I can't apologise. I have much to share with you as I have received much.

This is the year of the Lord. 2012. Twelve is the number of the year of the Lord. This trip I have preached on Jarius and his old was she? Twelve. I have also preached on the women with bleeding problem. How long had she been sick? Twelve years. This is the year of breakthrough. The Lord has broken through in my life. The Lord breaks through in the life of WTL. Breakthrough! The Lord said WTL was an avenue we must walk into growth. This is the year of breakthrough. Praise the Lord.

Today was a beautiful day. We travelled out of Battambang to preach the good news of Jesus Christ at two places.
The score? Jesus 198, satan 0.
At Banong Village, Sdai Commune, Ratanak Moneul District, Battambang Province Jesus received forty-eight new believers into His Kingdom. We prayed with many people for healing, the Lord was present with us.
We lunched together at a beautiful place by the river. We were able to dip our feet into the rushing water, it was so cooling and refreshing. I love flowing water. The Holy Spirit is flowing.
After lunch we met in a little church building at Svay Sor Village, Treak Commune, Ratanak Moneul District, Battambang Province. It was unbelievably hot under the corrugated iron roof. Jesus passed by and He stopped.
Blind Bartimaeus called out, Jesus could easily have kept walking but He stopped. The women with the bleeding for twelve years reached out and touched his clothes and Jesus stopped. Jairus called for Jesus for his beloved daughter and Jesus stopped. The question that Jesus asked the blind man is the same He asks you today...."What would you have Me do for you?" This is the Day of probably refer to it as the Day of Grace and they are the same. The problem is we don't hear His question...we are too busy asking what He wants us to do for Him. He needs nothing, He has everything, He just wants to give it to us and for us to receive. This is the truth of the Day of Grace.
Jesus stopped and one hundred and fifty, one hundred and thirty-five adults and fifteen children received Jesus. Praise the Lord. We prayed with the sick.

Tomorrow we have an extra celebration. A second Army camp has contacted us and asked if we would come. We felt the prompting of the Lord to go and He provides all so we will go. We rejoice to be able to share Jesus in another place and we receive His abundant grace for salvation and healing amongst the soldiers.

Bless you all.

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