Friday, September 28, 2012

Cambodia - Friday 28th September 2012

Raining this morning. We have reports that it is pouring in Phnom Penh with widespread flooding.

Our team meets to pray and share the Lord's Supper together. Why do we do that? The Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion or whatever you wish to call it is the covenant meal of the New Covenant. It asks us to remember Him. We don't just try to 'imagine' all He experienced on our account but rather we bring His broken body and His shed blood into our lives right now, in this very moment. We remember and in this remembering we receive in the present moment all the effects of the covenant; in this now moment we rejoice in our redemption achieved, that the burden of sin and guilt has been removed from us, and we are now declared to be the righteousness of God in Christ. We glory in our deliverance from the kingdom of darkness and in the eternal life that is ours. All the terms, promises, and blessings of the Covenant are here and now in this present moment and are released to us by the Holy Spirit in this meal of remembering.

We receive the salvations, the healings that are coming for the day ahead. You know we need not worry about whether our words will be good enough because it is His job to bring revelation and so the most faltering words of revelation the Holy Spirit will use to bring LIFE.

The rally this morning was at Chang Kapoy Village, Wat Kor Commune, Battambang District, Battambang Province. Present were one hundred and forty adults and seventy-eight children. Jesus gathered one hundred and twenty-five adults and fifty-three children into His Kingdom. Praise the Lord. Thank you God. Many came forward for healing and the Lord was present in mighty power to heal. Food packages had been prepared for forty children only and for the adults. The pastor who arranged the food was concerned but Samnang (my brother) encouraged her to receive the blessing of the Lord. Everyone got a food parcel and there were some left over! My team from Australia stepped up to the plate of the Lord and I rejoiced to see them minister in and through the giftings with which the Lord has blessed them.

After lunch we travelled again, this time to Chrab Krosang Village, Wat Kor Commune, Battambang District, Battambang Province to again share the love of Christ in word and deed. Gathered are two hundred and seventy people including one hundred and thirty two children. We shared Jesus and He began the restoration journey beginning with their salvation for one hundred and twenty-six adults and seventy six children. After we prayed with many people for healing by laying on hands and anointing with anointing oil. The Lord was present to heal and He always hears us. Do you remember what Jesus said when He raised Lazarus from the dead? He thanked God, His Father, that He always hears Him and He did it out loud for the benefit of the people watching and then He commanded that Lazarus comes out and so he did. The point is that God always hears us and when we ask we receive. We received the grace of God for healing. He answered.
The last person I prayed with was a young man who had a back problem. He spoke very good English and after he came to me to thank me for coming. He told me he had been a believer in Jesus for quite a long time and had tried to lead his brother and sister to the Lord. He was able to bring both to the rally and he was rejoicing that both his brother and sister received Jesus today.
The people received food and some Bibles. A partner, Transworld Radio, have joined with us to provide Bibles for each rally. A Bible costs $8 US so there is not enough but at least some get Bibles at each rally.
Sadly one of the children when enjoying the little meal was bitten by a dog. The wound was severe and definitely required precautionary medical care and injections. The child was taken to the doctor but he required $70 for the treatment. This was absolutely impossible for the mother. We (WTL) had already given $30 as we thought this would be sufficient but $70 was the fee. I don't wish to embarrass her but it is important to recognise a heart that has long beaten for the ministry to which we are blessed to be called. Without hesitation Katie brought the $40 as an offering to the Lord and a ministry to this precious small life.
How I love that heart!
So we rejoice with the angels over three hundred and eighty precious never-dying souls snatched from darkness into the Kingdom of Light on Friday 28th September 2012.

God bless you all for your support.

God is good all of the time. Yes?

To God be the glory...great things He has done.

We look forward to tomorrow.
Blessings to all.

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