Friday, September 7, 2012

Our God who Provides

This is just a short story that I need to tell you.
If you have been reading my blogs you will probably realise that I have a role in Cambodia. I am a missionary. My role is to share the love of Christ in Cambodia in word and deed, that is by what I say and by what I do. If you want to see more about that have a look at my simple little website,
I have been going to Cambodia for over ten years and a major part of those trips is to facilitate rallies where we share the good news of Jesus and we minister to the physical needs of the people. There is an awful lot I could say about that but the website will hopefully shed more light for you.
Each time I go to Cambodia there is a budget because sadly everything has a price tag and funds are required to make this happen. Over all the times I have been to Cambodia the financial needs have always been satisfied; sometimes there is more than required and so we have used that to bless the people even more.
Now there are two things that it is probably important to tell you here.
This trip is a breakthrough trip because we have finally the past a two week trip has consisted of two, three or four rallies mixed in with other stuff, visiting her and there, seeking to encourage the churches we support and the little ministries God has connected us to. Last time when in Cambodia I shared that I have no interest in spending any time 'resting', time is short and we need to get brother in Cambodia heard me and I am so happy that this trip we have twelve rallies in thirteen days. I am so happy and thankful for this.
The second thing is never before God has me personally on a journey into His Grace, the New Covenant and is impacting me with scripture that I have read thousands of time but never really 'seen' and He wants me to trust Him. I know that is the case. You know I have never really amounted to anything earth-wise. Do you understand what I mean? I had boundless potential as a child which I have never realised. I was sitting with a group of people in October 2011 and I was talking about some of the things I have done and at the end of the conversation my own brother closed out what I was saying with these words..."and he (meaning me) has amounted to absolutely nothing!"
That comment, probably meant to be a joke, really ground into me and I have struggled with the fact that in the earthly I have not realised my potential in life. I have struggled so much so that I have sought someone to talk with about it and throughout those conversations I guess the  my difficulty and rawness that are produced in me by comments like that have really been exposed. I was thinking about this and felt like God was saying to me that it was not His purpose for me to be 'successful' in the earthly definition of success because His role for me was something completely different.

Anway back to this little story...the budget for this coming mission is greater than ever before because this a breakthrough trip and it is greater than ever before. In the past I have simply shared the need with those that support me and generally very quickly there has been a response as one after another generous and precious people respond and pledge financial support for the trip.
I have approached the supply challenge this time in the same way mainly because I have no other way to approach it and I have sent out my email and what do you think has happened? One email from a person I probably would not have expected to hear from for which I am so thankful and nothing else. What of all those people who have supported us in the past...nothing. Not a word.
I think God is really expectant that I trust Him. You know we tend to give Him the things we want and keep back other things for ourselves and try to 'deal' with them on our own when He is waiting to reveal the magnitude of His riches in glory in Christ, the great seated place (rest in Me, He says) of blessing that we have been brought into in Christ. This blessing is not because we are worthy or deserve it in any way but purely and simply because He is worthy and worth it in every way and in the Covenant that He has ratified in His own accepted shed blood and as a result of that, and that alone, His history, His blessing, His glory becomes ours because we are in Christ and He is in us.

So anyway I am 'questioning' God as to why He would provide for past rallies and not this one and why is it that I have to wait again, and trust.....and the next morning I open Facebook and this is the first thing I read...

"Multiplication and Increase are 'meeting'. What has been delayed is being released in abundance, with increase and multiplication. There are no 'access denied' signs on the dreams He has placed in your hearts. He is making room in the 'delay' to add more than you could imagine to the dreams He has given you. In the 'waiting' and 'delay' you are indeed going through the labor pains to birth the dream He gave you but with tremendous INCREASE! Be encouraged every pain of 'delay' 'disappointment' and 'waiting' is one step closer to the greater birthing' ~ Lana Vawser
So there we have it. I'll let you know what happens next. 

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