Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cambodia - Sunday 30th September 2012

I had great difficulty sleeping last night and was awake at about 4.00 am. It was a good time to spend with the Lord. I love the early morning especially when I don't have to rush off to work. Always reminds of when I was young...I was never too keen to get out of bed on school days but on weekends I was up with the birds.

This morning we had an appointment with the Cambodian Army. Nine AM we arrived at the camp outside Opres Village, Otawoa Commune, Pailin City, Pailin Province to be received by an assortment of Generals and about one hundred and sixty soldiers and some of their family members. I am always so impressed when in the company of the soldiers, there is just an air that really appeals to me...I respect them so and commend their work of defence and protection of their country and their people. There continues to be significant tension and regular skirmishes between the Thais and the Cambodians and here we are are about twenty kilometres from the border. As I commend them for their service to King and country I ask them, "Who defends you?" I present Jesus as their defender and over one hundred (not sure of exact number) receive the King. We present them with Bibles and water filters, mosquito nets and diesel generators all supplied by the donors through Cambodia WTL. Bless you all for your ministry of word and deed.

I am now back in the hotel in Battambang City after lunching with the camp commanders. We have an easy afternoon before tomorrow when we bring Jesus to two new places.

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