Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cambodia - Saturday 29th September 2012

Last night the joy of the Lord bubbled over at dinner as the team met. The mood was so light-hearted and life giving and the banter flowed back and forth. It was so fantastic. Cambodian jokes, which are very different to what we are used to, vied with Australian jokes but the joke of the night must go to Ps.Samnang, my brother. He is the Director of AFCI Cambodia and he must take top prize. This is his joke for your enjoyment.
A large group of men get to heaven and an announcement is made, "All the men who were afraid of their wives please stand to the side." All the men stand to the side except for one. The one who remains is asked, "Why do you remain standing there?" His reply, "Because my wife told me to."
This morning we woke to rain. It looked as if the rain from Phnom Penh had arrived but it cleared although it was overcast most of the day. We headed out of Battambang City into the province. As we travelled we discussed calling these 'events' rallies...rallies sounds like a hard word when this is receiving the sweet, refreshing message of Jesus. Unless you have a better idea we decided on 'celebration.' So our rallies are now celebrations of Jesus.

During my meditation time this week I read a devotion that I would like to share with you. I'm not going to tell you the name of the writer as I have found that his name arouses a 'reaction'. So I acknowledge the writer and share his writing with you...
" 'A heart at peace gives life to the body...' Proverbs 14: 30
'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' John 14: 27
Now Jesus would not have used the word 'peace'. He would have used the word 'shalom' - 'Shalom I leave with you, My shalom I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.' In the Hebrew vernacular, 'shalom' is a very rich and loaded word. There is no English word that can accurately encapsulate the fullness, richness, and power contained in the word 'shalom.' Hence, English Bible translators were only able to translate it as 'peace.' But while the word 'shalom' includes peace, it means so much more. The Hebrew Lexicon describes 'shalom' as completeness, safety, soundness (in body), welfare, health, prosperity, peace, quiet, tranquility, contenetment, peace used of human relationships, peace with God especially in our covenant relationship, and peace from war. Wow! What a powerful word. This the shalom that Jesus has bequeathed you. His completeness, His safety, His soundness, His welfare, His health, His prosperity, His peace, His quietness, His tranquility, His contentment, His peace in human relationships, His peace with God through the covenant made at the cross and His peace from war. All these my friend are part of your inheritance in Christ today." 
It cannot escape you that the statement Jesus made in John 14 was one of the last things He said before He departed. He went on to the cross and He bore the wounds that were due us for our transgression; He suffered the bruises that were due us for our iniquities; He received the chastisement that was due us so we recieve His shalom; and He received the stripes that were due us so that we receive the healing. And He did it for free. Why strive so hard to 'please' God when scripture is so clear. Why 'work' so hard to keep His commandments when scripture is so clear.
" And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. And the one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And we know by this that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us." 1 John 3: 23, 24
Wow! Thank You Jesus. Thank You God.

So, we headed out of Battambang City to meet with two 'celebrations' in the province. The Lord is not willing that any should miss Him when He passes by (remember Zacchaeus?) and He was pleased to pass by Battambang today.
Firstly at Toul Snoul Village, Tapon Commune, Sang Ke District, Battambang Province. As I drove I knew I had been here before and it was later as I sat outside a tiny church in Tapon that I realised that many years ago I had stood in the paddock nearby and shared the gospel with a crowd of people including some local gangsters an fifty-three people had received Jesus. At that time we had felt compelled by God to purchase land here and the little church has been built on that land. Ps. Sopheap, one of our team, confirmed this as he was there that day. Sadly the church is now pastored by a pastor that is preaching a law message and so the church is dying. Praise the Lord the pastor was happy for us to come today and share the gospel of grace with the people. As Ps. Samnang observed, with his usual smile, the Lord brought me to bring Life years ago and now He brings me again to bring Life to restore His Grace and His Truth. As I write into my mind comes more scripture..."For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." John1: 17 Two opposites on either side of the semi-colon. Law given...oh praise the Lord grace and truth came! Some say "Oh yes it is okay to preach grace but the people need to hear truth too!" What a load of...! Please understand, if you study the original you will find that 'grace and truth' are actually a singular unit as they are followed by the singular verb 'came.' Grace and truth are one and the same, grace (unmerited favour) is truth and truth is grace (unmerited favour). So we meet nearby to hear grace and truth and the Lord is mighty to save and heal. Ninety souls won for Christ and many healings.
The road to the celebration site was exceedingly muddy and we were unable to drive so had to walk, maybe a couple of kilometres. It was quite comical to watch us slipping our way along the road and being overtaken by Cambodians on their motos like as if the road is quite normal. I arrived at the site quite a few centimetres taller than when I began. On the way back when hitched a ride on a tractor like contraption and I got to drive. When had the pedal to the metal on the way and arrived home nice and dry!
In the afternoon we moved on to another celebration nearby and again were so privileged to share the good news of Jesus Christ and receive the abundant grace of God for healings as we prayed with the people. The Lord is the Saviour and He gathered in ninety-eight souls for His Kingdom...ninety-eight more who will stand with us in glory and receive the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, our Bridegroom. Jesus!
Tomorrow the army at Pailin.

Bless you all for your support. All glory to God.

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