Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cambodia - Tuesday 25th September 2012

I am thinking...what price would you pay for a soul? I'm unable to answer that question other than to direct you to Jesus. What price did He pay so you, and I, could take our place at His table?

Today has been a wonderful day because little by little I am transformed and today was a transforming day. I cannot write here about this transformation. I'm not sure I can adequately share it with you and I'm not sure you will get it.

Today we were privileged to travel over rough and muddy roads to share the goods news of Jesus in two places. What a delight! Oh how I am thankful that the Lord has given me the privilege to bring His good news to this place.
We met in a beautiful and simple open air church, just a roof and open at all four sides and rejoiced with the little troupe of children as they led us in worship. So beautiful to see those delightful Cambodian faces praising the King of kings.The place was Tra Peang Kokey Village, Lbouek Commune, Chhouk District, Kompot Province. One hundred and eighty-three people, including ninety-eight children gathered, Christian and non-christian. The Lord saved one hundred and four new believers. Praise the Lord. Thank you God.

You know it is when we are 100% weak it is then that He is 100% strong. In the afternoon we went to a place where there has been no Christian witness ever. The pastor from another place who introduced us asked whether anybody had heard of Jesus and maybe five people put up their hand. This place was Mea Village, Ches Commune, Chum Kiri District, Kompot Province. I felt my weakness and the thought was that I had failed. The enemy tried to steal my peace by bringing fear and for a while I was diverted. When our peace is replaced with fear they we are unable to see the blessing and so we fail to bless. Thank God it isn't up to me because Jesus is the Saviour and His favour is on me. I am blessed. I had already received His blessing. There were two hundred and twenty-five people there. How many are now new believers do you think? Yes...two hundred and twenty-five! When we are weak He is so, so strong.

I must share one funny story. When at Tra Peang Kokey this morning after the people had received Jesus we asked them to pray for one thing so that they can see the grace of favour of God revealed in their lives. They have accepted Jesus and in that moment they are seated in the place of blessing to receive. They need do nothing but sit and receive His grace.Today we are in the seventh day. The seventh day is the rest day. So often we call it the day of grace and then rush off and try very hard to be worthy of the grace. This is not grace, this is law. Cast out the law. The law brings death. You have received Jesus. He is LIFE. Jesus is not a little bit death and a little bit life, He is abundant life; total, complete 100% life! So we asked them to pray and we know they prayed for rain to fill their paddy fields. As we left it began to rain. It poured for hours. There was a time when we thought maybe the rally in Mea Village would not be possible. Tonight the pastor who was the organiser of the Tra Peang Kokey rally rang to say that the paddy fields are now full and the people are asking why we were not invited to come three months ago when the rain was really needed. Why did we wait until now to come?

And an encouragement. Sopheap, one of our team received a call from an army commander in the north of the country who had heard that we were coming nearby. He pleaded with Sopheap that we would come and share the gospel at his camp. We will go even though the budget is increased. As we asked at the beginning...what price for a soul. Jesus paid a mighty price, I think we can trust that He will take care of us.
Another encouragement. This trip we are privileged to speak at (now with the adding of the army camp) thirteen rallies. Already twenty more places have asked us to come and today another. Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus for your favour. We receive You for You are everything. We receive the salvations, we receive the healings, we receive the blessings that You pour upon us. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. You are worthy of praise and we give You all the glory.

Bless you all.

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