Saturday, September 8, 2012

April 2008, from Cambodia

Hello readers,
I thought you might be interested in this...I was looking through some old emails I wrote from Cambodia and I found this. I wrote the email in April 2008.

'We stayed overnight at Sopheak Mongkol Guest House in Kampot Town, Kampot Province.
The battle raging in the heavenlies was amplified by the most ferocious thunderstorm I have ever experienced overnight. At about 1.00 AM there was the most awesome clap of thunder as God smashed all opposition and the storm dies away. The way was made by the battle prayers of His people. The morning dawned sunny but with the freshness of the scent of newly fallen rain.

We met at 6.30 for devotion and prayer. The first words that I spoke when I woke were from the Psalms, "This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
I shared these words and read from verse 22 to 29 for context. Ps. Barnabus also shared and we read from Isaiah 12: 2-4. He encouraged us all to pray for an open heaven, open hearts, open homes to disciple the converted after the rally and an open highway to the next rally in October 2008 in Prey Veng province.
We prayed and then we went.

As we departed the guest house compound Ps. Barnabus presented me with his kramas (pronounced krar-ma). A kramas is a traditional Cambodian item for men; it is a scarf like cloth worn around the neck and hanging down the front, and indicates an important person but in its presentation to me he announced me as a Bishop of Cambodia. I did not realise the awesome significance of this gift from a man of God until later when he explained this as Elijah passing his mantle to Elisha, although Elijah has not gone and it was a physical recognition of my anointing. Lord thank You.
As we travelled in the van to the rally site I asked the Lord what this meant the Lord said it was a confirmation from Him of my call and anointing in the Lord. I am overwhelmed with His love for me. Truly He restores the years the locusts had eaten as He said He would.

We breakfasted together at a nearby cafe before we headed on the hour or so drive to the rally site. On the way I received a text message from Fiona Crowfoot. It read, "Hey team, just want to encourage you on this day of days That God continues to shine His light on the truth that the enemy has been defeated and Jesus is King! May God's almighty power and love rain down on you and all His people. Amen." I love the confirmation of the Lord and this text was so confirming on so many levels, the day of days, the battle won and the raining down of the Lord's blessing. All I could answer to Fiona was, "Amen and amen."

We arrived at the site at about 8.30. Many people had already gathered. The District Governor, the Commune Chief, the Village Chief, the Police Chief and his assistants plus Commune committee members all sat in the front row in the place of honour. Later I was to learn that there were also leaders from the Buddhist temple plus undoubtedly spies from the Ministry of Religion. The local pastors said there were 1800 people attending with 1700 having been invited. 400 of these were local Christians so there were 1400 people in the darkness waiting to see the LIGHT.

I was calm and felt the tangible strength of the arm of the LORD.

The program began with the local church performing some items including the traditional dance of welcome involving a blessing delivered by tossing freshly picked flowers towards the gathering, all danced by beautiful Cambodian girls in traditional dress.

The time came and I stepped to the stage with Ps. Barnabus. I wore my traditional Cambodian shirt and my anointing kramas.

I have never felt so empowered by the LORD. I opened my mouth. Firstly I honoured the leaders gathered, then the people and the children. I then honoured a prompting the LORD had given me through one of my beloved intercessors to declare that I had not come to rob the people of their identity or their culture. This prompting was from GOD.

I then simply and precisely told the people the greatest story ever told. How GOD is from no beginning and no end; how He dwelt in heaven and was worshipped by His creatures, the angels, including one named Lucifer who was privileged to serve in the throne room and at the throne of God. How He created the heavens and the earth, the light, the separation of heavens and earth, the separation of land and sea, the plants, the animals and ultimately mankind, male and female, created in the image of GOD. GOD charged mankind with the subjugation of the earth; with establishing the Kingdom of GOD on the earth.
Lucifer was jealous of this new creation who had been placed in authority over him and he rebelled against GOD and GOD threw him out of heaven.
Satan fell to earth and set up his own kingdom here on earth.
We talked of the two kingdoms. The Kingdom of GOD, the kingdom of light; and the kingdom of satan, the kingdom of darkness. I described the attributes of the two: GOD'S Kingdom one of love, grace, mercy, blessing, freedom, no pain, no sorrow, no hurt, no brokenness compared with the kingdom of satan, pain, sorrow, sickness, broken relationships, hurt, horror, stealing, killing, destroying, etc. etc.
KINGDOM versus kingdom.

We shared how satan hates mankind and had vowed to destroy mankind.

GOD put Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden and said that they could eat of any tree in the garden except one.

Satan saw his opportunity and sowed doubt in the two and tempted them to disobey and they fell and with tht act sin came. The proof of sin are all the things we see of the kingdom of satan in this world described and ultimately the greatest sin was the cat of disobedience bringing a break in the realtionship between GOD and mankind.

The situation looked hopeless!

What a joy to declare that GOD loved the man and the woman. God wanted to restore the relationship. He gave a law in the hope that mankind could live up to the standard of GOD but mankind could not.

GOD saw that it was necessary that a perfect one be found to die for the sin of the people to satisfy the holiness of GOD and He looked for someone able to undertake this task. He looked among the men but found no-one.
GOD then asked a question, "Who will go for us, and who will we send?' And one answered, "Here am I, send me."
The one who answered was JESUS, the SON OF GOD.
How could the Father even contemplate sending His own Son? But He bowed to His love for His people and Jesus came.

So the story of the birth of JESUS, the life of JESUS and the crucifixion of JESUS held the crowd enthralled. Finally JESUS was buried. Was that the end? Had the kingdom of satan finally defeated the Kingdom of GOD by denying it of it's heir?

I then said the we had got to the best part of the story.

I described how JESUS was buried with a stone and a guard but no natural power or human power, and no spiritual power could detain Him because He rose triumphant and in His triumph He smashed open the way and defeated the kingdon of satan and in that defeat He brought us freedom from the bondage of satan's kingdom.

The time had you want that freedom? The LORD prompted me to give three opportunities (three is the number of perfection) and so I did and the people rose as one to receive their KING.
All rose...the Christian rose, the lost, the Governors, the leaders, the Buddhists, the spies, not one person remained, all rose to welcome the King. The wounded, the blind, the lame, the hurt, the broken, the leaders, the Pharisees, the emissaries of evil all rose together to receive the King

Ps. Barnabus led the people in Khmer through the prayer of salvation, a rousing chorus of reception, a wonderful song of freedom, a mighty declaration of victory in the wonderful and beautiful name of the one and only and majestic JESUS.
WE called the children forward and blssed them.
I then called the sick to come forward and declared that the King wanted to reveal Himself by favouring His people. With one hand on the wounded place and the other reaching to JESUS we commanded healing in the name of JESUS. The LORD healed because He says when we ask, He answers, when we seek, we find and when we knock, He opens the door.
As I looked down into the sea of people my team was standing among them praying with them. Perhaps the most poignant image was Katie standing with her arms around a beautiful blind Cambodian girl. Tears were streaming down Katie's face as she prayed and the blind girl was beaming with unrestrained joy as she saw spiritually for the first tim in her life. I believe she will also see physically as we left her rubbing her eyes with the joy of the LORD adorning her precious face.

The District Governor got up and gave witness before the people to his new faith and invited us to return any time. The Buddhist leaders told Ps. Barnabus that the temples will soon be empty...prophecy if ever I have heard it! Another leader said that now he understood why his relationships all failed because he was living in the kingdom of satan...but no more. Many declared they never knew before now they were created by GOD and were children of GOD.

Real Christianity swung into action as all the people were fed. We sat with the leaders and fellowshipped as brothers and sisters in Christ for the first time. We declared that we not only bring good news but we also bring a practical gospel and promised the Governor wells wherever there was a need; all he need do is apply. There was much rejoicing in heaven and on earth. God bless the supporters who supplied it all from the providence of GOD.

The result? We won't know for some weeks but suffice to say 1800 were there, 400 were Christians, and all stood. You can work it out. We will be conservtive and say 1000 and silently rejoice with God for 1400 people won for the Kingdom of GOD.

I want to thank you all who contributed financially and in prayer. I want to honour all who intercede for me. The prayer is not preparation, the prayer IS the battle...the battle was WON ON YOUR KNEES.

Thank you for your support which endorsed my call and anointing to this country and its people.
To GOD be the glory and my thanks to you all.

Now to the Youth Camp. Community Life Church bless you for supporting this camp. Now claim the victory for our LORD there also as the team ministers together into the lives of young people. Let's assist them together to raise the banner of JESUS IS LORD over the country of Cambodia.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. It is a true and unexaggerated account of the blessings of GOD on the people. Thank you for partnering with us in the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. God bless you all.

Yours in Christ,


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