Friday, September 28, 2012

Cambodia - Wednesday 26th September 2012

Today dawned bright and sunny...beautiful!
We, the Cambodian team and myself, met to receive the Lord's blessing for the day and to take the Lord's Supper together.
After breakfast we headed out over some rough roads to Tra Peang Lbouek Village, Tra Peang Bey Commune, Chhouk District, Kompot Province.
At the prepared place there was a simple sign set up which said "Celebration. Sharing the gospil of Jesus Christ." It was a celebration. The organiser and inviter was a young pastor who has recently graduated from the AFCI facilitated ICPC (Church Planters) course.
Keen to bring honour to our Lord he had gathered one hundred and seventy people waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
It was our privilege to bring the gospel and it was the Lord's privilege to save souls, one hundred and five.
Praise the Lord.
A church will now be planted here and so the discipleship of these news believers begins.
As the people enjoyed their rally meal together we headed for Phnom Penh where I rejoined my Australian team. So good to see them and to hear their joy at the wonderful things they had experienced over the last few days.
Thank you all for blessing this ministry.

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